
RFC7521 (MAP-E) tool

Primary LanguageRuby

RFC7597 (MAP-E) tool

This can calculate RFC7597 or draft-ietf-softwire-map-03 mapping between IPv4_A+P and IPv6. This is going to be a Sinatra-based web app. You can also use as a CLI tool.

NOTE: This is for MAP-E shared address type. If you are looking for dedicated IP lookup, go to other tool.

WebUI, API usage

Both API and WebUI are available. Here is the result of bundle exec rake routes:

GET    /
GET    /webui
GET    /webui/map_rules
GET    /webui/lookup
GET    /webui/your_bmr?addr6=x
GET    /api/your_ipv6?addr4=x&port=y
GET    /api/your_ipv4?addr6=x
GET    /api/your_bmr?addr6=x
GET    /api/map_rules
POST   /api/provider/?

Installation (Development)

  • install ruby 3.1.2 somehow (or make it up-to-date by resolving dependencies)
  • ruby -v
  • install bundler
    gem install bundler
  • get this repository
  • use bundler to install gems under this project
    bundle install --path=.bundle
  • start a webserver bundled to rack
    $ bundle exec rackup
    [2018-03-20 10:27:31] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
    [2018-03-20 10:27:31] INFO  ruby 3.1.2 (2016-11-21)
    [2018-03-20 10:27:31] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=66791 port=9292
  • done! Visit http://localhost:9292

Installation (running on remote Linux server)

WARNING: This instruction is still based on deprecated environment, which needs to be updated in the future.

  • 前提:

    • OS: CentOS7.4
    • ruby 2.3.3 (rbenv でインストール)
      • gem, bundler
  • install this project

      cd ~/
      git clone /path/to/this-repo.git
      cd ~/this-repo
      bundle install --path=.bundle --without development test
  • install Apache

  • install Passenger

      gem install passenger
      sudo chmod o+x "/home/webadmin"
      sudo ln -sv ~/rfc7597-util/public /var/www/html/rfc7597-util
        -> Press `Enter` for all the questions
  • configure on /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf. Refer to the following memo written during the process of passenger-install-apache2-module:

      LoadModule passenger_module /home/webadmin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/passenger-5.2.1/buildout/apache2/mod_passenger.so
      <IfModule mod_passenger.c>
        PassengerRoot /home/webadmin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/passenger-5.2.1
        PassengerDefaultRuby /home/webadmin/.rbenv/versions/2.3.3/bin/ruby
      RackBaseURI /rfc7597-util
      RackEnv production
      <Directory /rfc7597-util>
        Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
        Options -MultiViews
        AllowOverride All
        Order Allow,Deny
        Allow From All
      # If needed, remove following HTTP header added by Passenger
      Header always unset "X-Powered-By"
      Header always unset "X-Rack-Cache"
      Header always unset "X-Content-Digest"
      Header always unset "X-Runtime"
      # Do these if needed
      PassengerMaxPoolSize 20
      PassengerMaxInstancesPerApp 4
      PassengerPoolIdleTime 3600
      PassengerHighPerformance on
      PassengerStatThrottleRate 10
  • Do configtest and then restart apache

    sudo service httpd configtest
    sudo service httpd restart
  • well, now everything should be ready!

For Sinatra Application Admin


  • lightweight web app framework (sinatra)
  • test-driven (TDD)
    • RSpec, Rack::Test
    • test scenario along with RFC7597 and OCN examples!
  • rich test and visualization
    • guard (real-time/automated test)
    • simplecov (test coverage visualization)
  • API-oriented
    • WebUI is just a wrapper


  • rspec

    bundle exec rspec
  • auto-run RSpec by Guard

    bundle exec guard

CLI usage example

You can use map-e.rb library directly. In this case, please check rspec test (spec/lib/map-e_spec.rb etc.) the code itself to understand its specification.

require 'path/to/lib/map-e.rb'

provider_params = {
  rule_net6: '2001:db8::/40',
  rule_net4: '',
  ea_bit_len: 16,
  psid_offset: 6,
  br_addr6: '2001:db8:ffff::1',
  is_rfc: true
user_pref6 = '2001:db8:12:3400::/56'
user_addr4 = ''
user_port = 1232
user_psid = 52
map_ce_addr6 = '2001:db8:12:3400:0:c000:212:34'

map = MapE.new(provider_params)
map.ipv6_to_ipv4(user_pref6) #=> { ipv4_address: user_addr4, psid: user_psid }
map.ipv4_to_ipv6(ipv4_address: user_addr4, psid: user_psid) #=> map_ce_addr6
map.port_to_psid(user_port) #=> user_psid
map.ipv4_to_ipv6(ipv4_address: user_addr4, psid: user_psid) #=> map_ce_addr6


  • library
    • minimum gem (IPAddress library がキー)
      • Make sure to specify where to install the gems: bundle install --path=xxx
    • 自前の monkey-patch : myipaddress 結局本toolには使っていない (アドレス設計などでお遊びした)
  • what to learn:
    • Ruby, sinatra, RSpec, Rack::Test, WebAPI, IPv6, MAP-E, phusion-passenger, linux, git
  • directory structure (tree -FL 3 map-e)
    |-- Gemfile  # specifies gems to be installed
    |-- Gemfile.lock
    |-- README.md
    |-- Rakefile
    |-- config.ru
    |-- db/
    |   `-- rules.json  # MAP rules
    |-- lib/
    |   |-- map-e.rb  # MAP-E algorithm
    |   `-- myipaddress.rb  # not directly linked to this tool at this moment
    |-- main.rb  # sinatra app controller
    |-- public/  # js and css
    |   |-- css/
    |   |   `-- bootstrap.min.css
    |   `-- js/
    |       |-- jquery-x.y.z.min.js
    |       `-- lookup.js
    |-- spec/  # for tests
    |   |-- lib/
    |   |   |-- map-e_spec.rb
    |   |   `-- myipaddress_spec.rb
    |   |-- requests/
    |   |   |-- api_spec.rb
    |   |   `-- webui_spec.rb
    |   `-- spec_helper.rb
    `-- views/  # html templates