
test suits for bigquery sql

Primary LanguagePython

Pytest plugin for Bigquery SQL

pytest-sql-bigquery is pytest-plugin which provides a sql-unitest-framework for BigQuery. This plugin adopts an end-to-end approch that runnning SQL test on SQL engines.

Yet anthoer approch to tst SQL code

See following SQL codes:

with dataset as (
    select 1
    union all select 2
, __check_sample as (
    select 'test' as label, count(1) as actual, 2 as expected from dataset 

select * from dataset

This code is minimal example including test case. __check_sample is a test case which makes sure the dataset view has just 2 record.

Our idea is very simple: "Verify SQL code by SQL-self."

This plugin generate SQL test codes from SQL and executed them on SQL-engine such as BigQuery.

The advantages of this approch are

  • SQL codes owns specification itself
  • Provide portability of logic and its test codes.
  • Free to hard-mocking database system

Get Started


  • Python >= 3.7

  • sqlparse

  • google-cloud-bigquery (For BigQuery integration)

  • BigQuery (Google Cloud Project)


pip install pytest-bigquery-sql

Then, set up confidist.py for pytest settings.

import pytest

from pytest_sql_bigquery.integrations.pytest import SQLReaderForChecking

class ChainPytestFile(pytest.File):

    def __init__(self, path, parent, chains, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(path, parent, **kwargs)
        self.chains = chains

    def collect(self):
        for interpreter in self.chains:
            yield from interpreter.collect()

def pytest_collect_file(parent, path):
    if path.ext == ".sql":
        return ChainPytestFile(
            path, parent,
                SQLReaderForChecking(path, parent),

Run test for examples/sql directory

pytest run -vv examples/sql