
BLiP plugin

BLiP plugin it's a technology-agnostic way to plug unnoficial features to enhance the portal capabilities.

This project aims to give the initial skill needed to develop and build your own plugins.

Getting started from sample

This sample was made using the React framework.

  1. Download or clone the project from git(the recommended way):

git clone

  1. Install all packages from npm:

cd sample && npm install

  1. Run the project:

npm start

  1. Now just add the plugin to your chatbot and enjoy!

Good to know

  • All the communication between your plugin and portal should be made using the browser message API. We highly recommend you to use our official package which was been designed to that communication.
  • We recomend you to create plugins with components and colors similar to our design system, we have a official package to help with that.
  • After the first render of plugin, if the window size is too small, you will have to change it through the HeightChange message.
  • We have some guidelines to create new pages, we recommend you to follow their(it's in portuguese):

Page guidelines 1

Page guidelines 2

Page guidelines 3

Possible message types


⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Warning! Commands sent to '' will soon be discontinued and the domain '' should be used instead.

Send a blip command. Destination defines the domain which it should send( or, if you don't know which to choose, leave the default.

    command: Lime.Command,
    destination?: 'BlipService' | 'MessagingHubService',
    timeout?: number


Start a loading screen on portal.


Stop the loading screen.


Change the iframe height.

height: number


Show a modal to user.

    title: string,
    body: HTMLString,
    confirm: string,
    cancel: string


Hide the navbar.


Shows the navbar.


Get the user current language.


Create a toast.

    type: 'info' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger' | 'refresh',
    message: string


Get an application or the current application.

applicationId?: string


Check if user has some permission.

    permissionType: string,
    customArea?: string,
    customShortName?: string


Get the entire permission object.