
Kafka Single Message Transform (SMT) that Converts an Epoch Timestamp to datetime format compatible with Smalldatetime in MSSQL, otherwise it will return null

Primary LanguageJava

EpochtoTimestamp converts Epoch to smalldatetime compatible format, or returns null

This was built to bypass the Null Pointer Exception (NPE) caused by the built in SMT TimeStampConverter when using nullable date fields

How to build this project

  1. Run command below to build: mvn package -e

  2. Look for the output jar file in "kafka-connect-transform\target": For example "kafka-connect-transforms-1.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar"

*Note: Update “version” number in pom.xml and rebuild project before running command.

How to use in a Kafka Connector Config

"transforms": "epoch_timestamp",
"transforms.epoch_timestamp.type": "com.github.jeffbeagley.kafka.connect.transform.common.EpochtoTimestamp$Value",
"transforms.epoch_timestamp.field": "non_nullable_date",