This application allows users to search for GitHub users and view their public repositories. It fetches data from the GitHub API and displays it in a user-friendly manner. Users can paginate through the results and filter repositories by name. And it shows the languages used in the repositories.
You can view a live demo of the application here.
- The GitHub API always returns data in the expected format.
- The GitHub API returns fetched repositories to render alphabetically.
- The user will always enter a valid GitHub username. If a non-existent username is entered, the application will display a "User not found or doesn't exist" message.
- The user can't click the search button if the input is less than 2 letters.
- The application handles GitHub API rate limits. If the rate limit is exceeded, the application will display a "GitHub API rate limit exceeded. Please try again later." message.
- The application assumes that all repositories have a 'name' and 'description' field. If these fields are not present in the API response, the application will display "No Description Was Provided".
- The application assumes that all GitHub users have a 'location' field. If this field is not present in the API response, or if the user did not provide their location, the application will display "Unknown" for that user's location.
- The application assumes that all repositories have a 'languages_url' field and that this URL returns a list of languages used in the repository.
- The application handles 404 errors by displaying a "Page Not Found" message and a countdown timer. After 5 seconds, the user is redirected to the homepage.
- Last, the user can click the title "GitHub Repositories Search" to go back home.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Open the
file in your browser.
- Install
globally on your machine using npm (Node.js package manager):
npm install --global http-server
- Create a
configuration file in your project root:
"root": "./",
"rewrites": [
{ "from": "/^((?!api).)*$/", "to": "/404.html" }
This configuration will rewrite all routes except those starting with /api
to 404.html
3. Navigate to your project directory and start the server:
cd path/to/your/project
http-server --config http-server.json
By default, http-server
will start the server on port 8080. You can access your application at http://localhost:8080
- Enter a GitHub username in the input field and click the "Search" button.
- The application will display the user's public repositories.
- Use the pagination buttons to navigate through the pages.
- Use the "Repositories per page" dropdown to change the number of repositories displayed per page.
- Use the repository search bar to filter repositories by name.
- Click "GitHub Repositories Search" to go back home and clear the current user you were searching