Next.js app to generate youtube summary


  • [O] fix zustand stores
  • [O] rate limit(2 requests per 10 minutes) for not signed in users
  • [O] rate limit(5 requests per 5 minutes) for signed in users
  • [O] video page for not signed in users
  • [O]: add cron job to delete temp videos older than 1 day
  • [O]: next.js error page

Running locally

  1. Set up google oauth2 auth.js(next-auth) docs
  2. Need to create .env file based on .env.example
  3. Run docker compose up


  1. Create database (I used Supabase)
  2. Migrate database schema by running pnpm run db:migrate in "packages/database" directory
  3. Deploy cdk stack by running cdk deploy --all in "apps/cdk" directory
  4. Run github actions to build and push docker image to ECR and deploy to ECS