
Several classes to support logic, and WinForms extension control. Target framework is .NET 2.0, 4.5.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



Module NuGet Target Framework
Metroit NuGet netstandard2.0 netstandard2.1 net45
Metroit.Data NuGet netstandard2.0 netstandard2.1 net45
Metroit.Windows.Forms NuGet net5.0-windows net6.0-windows net8.0-windows net462

Older Version

Module NuGet Target Framework
Metroit.2 NuGet net20
Metroit.Data.2 NuGet net20
Metroit.Windows.Forms2 NuGet net20
Metroit.45 NuGet net45
Metroit.Data.45 NuGet net45
Metroit.Windows.Forms45 NuGet net45


Several classes to support logic, and WinForms extension control.
We will do some help in an environment where development using WinForms is done.
It eliminates troublesome implementation by pulling out what is likely to be good.
It may be a little cleared of the problem if there are problems that you are having troubles, or if you have restrictions on using WPF or EntityFramework.


It is a library that contains basic classes.

Dictionary with upper limit

We will use a Dictionary that intentionally needs an upper limit.

var dic = new Metroit.Collections.Generic.LimitedDictionary<string, string>(3);
dic.Add("key1", "value1");
dic.Add("key2", "value2");
dic.Add("key3", "value3");
if (!dic.CanAdd()) {
    dic.Add("key4", "value4");  // ArgumentException

Extension of string class

using Metroit.Extensions;

// Insert delimiters on judgment of capital letters.
var value = "TestTestTest";
Console.WriteLine(value.InsertSeparator("_", SeparateJudgeType.UpperChar));  // Test_Test_Test

var value = "(aaa(bbb(ccc)ddd)eee)";
value = value.GetEnclosedText(); // aaa(bbb(ccc)ddd)eee
value = value.GetEnclosedText(); // bbb(ccc)ddd
value = value.GetEnclosedText(); // ccc

Rounding calculation

// The decimal second place leaves it off in 4 or more.
var value = 1.24;
value = Metroit.MetMath.Round(1, 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); // 1.3

// I leave off the decimal third place
var value = 1.123;
value = Metroit.MetMath.Ceiling(1, 2); // 1.13

// I cut off the decimal third place
var value = 1.123;
value = Metroit.MetMath.Floor(1, 2); // 1.12

// I cut off the decimal third place
var value = 1.123;
value = Metroit.MetMath.Truncate(1, 2); // 1.12

Some kind of conversion

With ConverterBase class, I can make a class converting something.

using Metroit.IO;

class TestConverter : ConverterBase
    public TestConverter() :base()
        Prepare += TestConverter_Prepare;
        ConvertCompleted += TestConverter_ConvertCompleted;
    protected void DoConvert(IConverterParameter parameter)
        // I convert something
    private void TestConverter_Prepare(IConvertParameter parameter, CancelEventArgs e)
        // Preparations processing
        // e.Cancel = true is cancel conversion
    private void TestConverter_ConvertCompleted(IConvertParameter parameter, ConvertCompleteEventArgs e)
        // Completed processing
        switch (e.Result) {
            case ConvertResultType.Succeed:
            case ConvertResultType.Failed:
            case ConvertResultType.Cancelled:

class Test
    var converter = new TestConverter();
    var result = converter.Convert();
    if (result == ConvertResultType.Cancelled)
    // var t = converter.ConvertAsync(); // 4.5 only

Conversion of the file

With FileConverterBase class, I can make a class converting a file.

using Metroit.IO;

class TestFileConverter : FileConverterBase
    public TestFileConverter() : base() { }

    protected override void ConvertFile(FileConvertParameter parameter)
        // ファイルの変換処理など
        File.Copy(parameter.SourceConvertFileName, parameter.DestConvertFileName);

class Test
    public void Hoge()
        var converter = new TestFileConverter()
            Parameter = new FileConvertParameter() {
                SourceFileName = "C:\test.txt",
                DestFileName = "D:\test.dat",
                UseDestTemporary = true,
                Overwrite = true
            Prepare = (p, e) => {
                e.Cancel = false;
                Console.WriteLine("Convert prepare process.");
            Complete(p, e) => {
                Console.WriteLine(e.Result.ToString() + e.Error?.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Convert complete process.");
        var result = converter.Convert();
        if (result == ConvertResultType.Cancelled)

Using IFileConverterFactory, IFileConverterFactoryMetadata, I can realize simple MEF.

using Metroit.IO;

[ExportMetadata("ConverterName", "XlsToPdf")]
[ExportMetadata("FromType", "xls")]
[ExportMetadata("ToType", "pdf")]
public class TestConverterFactory : IFileTypeConverterFactory
    public IO.FileTypeConverter Create()
        return new TestConverter();


A library that contains functions to aid database operation.

Connect to the database

You do not have to memorize the immutable name of the provider.
You can set connection information by Dictionary.

using Metroit.Data.Common;
using Metroit.Data.Extensions;

var pf = MetDbProviderFactories.GetFactory(DatabaseType.Oracle);
using (var conn = pf.CreateConnection()) {
    conn.SetConnectionString(pf, new Dictionary<string, string>()
            {"Data Source", "" },
            {"User ID", "TEST" },
            {"Password","test" }
MetDbProviderFactories.GetFactory() is not available in netstandard20.

Execute the query

DbConnection.CreateQueryCommand() will automatically enforce BindByName().

// conn : DbConnection
var comm = conn.CreateQueryCommand(query);
// pf : ProviderFactiry
comm.Parameters.Add(pf.CreateParameter("COLUMN1", "value"));
comm.Parameters.Add(pf.CreateParameter("COLUMN2", "value"));
var dt = new DataTable();
comm.Fill(pf, dt);

Execute a query using a transaction

DbConnection.CreateQueryCommand() will automatically enforce BindByName().
After creating DbTransaction, you do not need to manipulate DbConnection.

using Metroit.Data.Extensions;

// conn : DbConnection
using (var trans = conn.BeginTransaction())
    var comm = trans.CreateQueryCommand(query);
    // pf : ProviderFactiry
    comm.Parameters.Add(pf.CreateParameter("COLUMN1", "value"));
    comm.Parameters.Add(pf.CreateParameter("COLUMN2", "value"));
    var dt = new DataTable();
    var da = comm.Fill(pf, dt, true, true);

Retrieve execution result of procedure

using Metroit.Data.Extensions;

// conn : DbConnection
var query = "ProcedureSample";
var comm = conn.CreateProcedureCommand(query);
// pf : ProviderFactiry
var parameter = pf.CreateParameter("COLUMN1", "value");
parameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
var result = comm.GetProcedureResult()

Manipulate acquired data with objects

Avoid handling DataTable raw.

using Metroit.Data.Extensions;

class Tbl1
    public string Column1 { get; set; }

    // When property name != Column name, use ColumnAttribute
    public string ColumnPrpoerty2 { get; set; }

var dt = new DataTable();
comm.Fill(pf, dt);

foreach(var row in dt.AsEnumerableEntity<Tbl1>())

// When done line by line
var row = dt[0].ToEntity<Tbl1>();

Create a query string

It helps to generate a query string a little.

using Metroit.Data;

var builder = new QueryBuilder("SELECT *, /* REP */");
builder.AddQueries(new List<string>() { "FROM TBL "});
builder.ReplaceQueries(new List<string, string>() { "REP", "COLUMN1" });
var query = builder.Build(); // SELECT *, COLUMN1 FROM TBL

Perform query parameter optimization

It is optimized to find the prefix or symbol of the parameter specified in the query.
The prefix recognizes ":", "@", and the symbol "?".

using Metroit.Data;

var op = new QueryParameterOptimizer();
query = op.GetOptimizedText(query, QueryBindVariableType.ColonWithParam); // SELECT * FROM TBL WHERE COLUMN1 = :COLUMN1


It is a library that helps to create WinForms application.

Extended Form

  • MetForm
    I will help with a bit of UI behavior and logic.
    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      EnterFocus Whether to make focus transition with Enter key.
      EscPush Operation of the ESC key.
      Request Request data.
      Response Response data.
    • Events

      Name Meaning
      ControlRollbacking Perform rollback with ESC key Verify.
      ControlLeaving Implementation of focus out by ESC key Verify.
    • Methods

      Name Meaning
      Show Send the request to the screen for modeless display.
      ShowDialog Send the request to the screen for modal display.

Extended TextBox

  • MetTextBox
    We will help with some UI behaviors and logic.

    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      AutoFocus When the maximum input digit is input, it transits to the next control.
      FocusSelect Whether to invert characters when focus is obtained.
      MultilineSelectAll When Multiline, enable Ctrl + A.
      BaseBackColor Basic background color.
      BaseForeColor Basic character color.
      FocusBackColor Background color when you get focus.
      FocusForeColor Character color when focus is obtained.
      ReadOnlyLabel Whether to replace with Label.
      CustomAutoCompleteBox Setting up custom autocomplete.
      CustomAutoCompleteKeys Key to display custom autocomplete.
      CustomAutoCompleteMode How to use custom autocomplete.
      BaseBorderColor Basic border color.
      FocusBorderColor Border color when you get focus.
      ErrorBorderColor Border color when error.
      Error Whether it is an error.
      Replace ReadOnlyLabel with Label.
      BackColor, ForeColor is only available from logic.  
      However, due to focus transition, BaseBackColor, FocusBackColor, BaseForeColor, FocusForeColor takes precedence.
    • Events

      Name Meaning
      TextChangeValidation Validate acceptance of the entered value.
      TextChangeValidation does not occur with the following operations.
      - AutoComplete
      - Undo (context menu, Ctrl+Z)
  • MetLimitedTextBox
    Inherit MetTextBox.
    We will help you when you need to restrict character input.

    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      AcceptsChar Specify the type of character that accepts input.
      ByteEncoding Character encoding used to determine MaxByteLength.
      CustomChars Specify characters to accept when custom is specified.
      ExcludeChars Specify unacceptable characters within the character type.
      FullSignSpecialChars When specifying a double-byte symbol, specify other double-width symbols to accept.
      MaxByteLength Maximum number of bytes to allow input.
  • MetNumericTextBox
    Inherit MetTextBox.
    We will help you when you need to restrict numeric input.

    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      AcceptNegative Whether to accept negative numbers.
      AcceptNull Whether to accept null.
      CurrencySymbol Symbol when the numerical expression method is currency.
      DecimalDigits Number of decimal places that can be entered.
      DecimalSeparator Integer and decimal delimiter.
      GroupSeparator An integer delimiter.
      GroupSizes The position where the integer is to be separated.
      MaxValue Maximum value to allow input.
      MinValue The minimum value to allow input.
      NegativePattern Expression method when negative number.
      NegativeSign Representation of negative number.
      PercentSymbol Symbol when the numerical expression method is percent.
      PositivePattern Expression method when positive number.
      Mode How to represent numbers.
      NegativeForeColor Text color when negative.
      Value Input value.
      The following properties are not available.  
      ImeMode, MaxLength, Multiline, PasswordChar, UseSystemPasswordChar, AcceptsReturn, AcceptsTab, CharacterCasing, Lines, ScrollBars, RightToLeft, MultilineSelectAll

Extended DateTimePicker

  • MetDateTimePicker
    I will help with some input of dates.
    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      AcceptNull Whether to accept null.
      ReadOnly Whether to make it read-only.
      ReadOnlyLabel Whether to replace with Label.
      Value Input value.
      BaseBackColor Basic background color.
      BaseForeColor Basic character color.
      FocusBackColor Background color when you get focus.
      FocusForeColor Character color when focus is obtained.
      BaseBorderColor Basic border color.
      FocusBorderColor Border color when you get focus.
      ErrorBorderColor Border color when error.
      Error Whether it is an error.
      MinCalendarType Calendar to represent, editable month / day level.
      ShowToday Whether to display today's date on the calendar.
      ShowTodayCircle Whether to mark today's date on the calendar.
      ShowTorailingDates Whether to display the dates of the previous month and the next month on the calendar for the current month.
      Replace ReadOnly with TextBox.
      Replace ReadOnlyLabel with Label.

Extended ComboBox

  • MetComboBox
    I will help with some input of pulldown.
    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      ReadOnly Whether to make it read-only.
      ReadOnlyLabel Whether to replace with Label.
      BaseBackColor Basic background color.
      BaseForeColor Basic character color.
      FocusBackColor Background color when you get focus.
      FocusForeColor Character color when focus is obtained.
      BaseBorderColor Basic border color.
      FocusBorderColor Border color when you get focus.
      ErrorBorderColor Border color when error.
      Error Whether it is an error.
      Replace ReadOnly with TextBox.
      Replace ReadOnlyLabel with Label.
      When DropDownStyle = DropDownList, DrawMode must be OwnerDrawFixed or OwnerDrawVariable.

Button representing open/close icon

  • MetExpanderButton
    Represents an open/close icon.
    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      State Open/closed state.
      Svg SVG image.
      Image Normal image.
      IconStyle The style of image to use.
      ShowIcon Whether to display the icon.
      ShowLine Whether to display separator lines.
      Text title.
      LineColor Separator line color.
      LineThickness Thickness of the separator line.
      HoverForeColor The color of the title when the mouse enters the table area.
    • Events

      Name Meaning
      ExpandStateChanged Occurs when the open/closed state changes.

Panel with buttons representing open/close icons

  • MetExpanderPanel
    Express the open/close icon to enable opening/closing of the panel.
    • Properties

      Name Meaning
      State Open/closed state.
      Svg SVG image.
      Image Normal image.
      IconStyle The style of image to use.
      ShowIcon Whether to display the icon.
      ShowLine Whether to display separator lines.
      Text title.
      LineColor Separator line color.
      LineThickness Thickness of the separator line.
      HoverForeColor The color of the title when the mouse enters the table area.
      HeaderFont Header text font.
      HeaderForeColor Header text font color.
      HeaderPadding Header padding.
      UseAnimation Whether to use animation for opening and closing.
      Acceleration Animation acceleration.
      CollapsedHeaderLineVisibled Whether to display a separator line when closed.
    • メソッド

      Name Meaning
      Expand(bool) Open the panel.
      Collapse(bool) Close the panel.