
A simple Android timer, designed for multi-player card or board games with a time limit element

Primary LanguageJava


So, the story goes like this:

One cold, dark winter, deep in the depths of the suburbs of Greater Manchester,
a family were playing cards.  The game they were playing was a variant of
"Rummy", called "Rummikub".  (Normally rummikub is a game that involves buying
a load of plastic and an instruction manual in a cardboard box, but you can
play it with cards, too.  Google it if you don't believe me.)

It's in the rules of the game that each person gets a minute for their turn.
This is actually quite a good game mechanic, as otherwise the game can get a
little bit long in the tooth.  However, it's very difficult to practically
enforce, with people who are told to hurry up sometimes taking exception,
other people being treated with leniency because they win less, and so forth.

The solution?  A timer!

Now, obviously there are already timers in the world.  This one is a bit
different, though: run it on your Android phone, put it in the middle of the
table, and when you start your turn, tap the screen.  This resets it to green.
As the minute continues, it slowly turns to red, and then after 60 seconds
pulsates gently to remind you.  Next!

That's it, really.  It would be cool to have a customisable time delay, but
other than that it's pretty basic and self-contained.

-- Andi Sidwell <andi@takkaria.org>