
In development: Emoncms groups module

Primary LanguagePHP

Groups module

Status: beta (testing)

An emonCMS module that allows a single user to manage several user accounts from a single interface. The admisnitrator of a group can add members to it and manage them. This is not global administration for all users of an emonCMS installation (for which there is a basic implementation inbuilt in emoncms already). groups_snap_shot.png


As any other module: clone this repository in the Modules directory of your emonCMS installation and update database. You will need the latest emoncms master branch v9.8.26 or newer.


  • Create groups
  • Create a new user and add it to group (administrator has full access to new user's account)
  • Add existing emonCMS user to a group providing username and password (administrator has full access to user's account)
  • Log into a group member's account with one click (and log back to original user)
  • Browse group member's feeds sorted by tag
  • One click csv download of selected group member's feeds
  • One click graph visualisation of selected group member's feeds
  • Edit user info
  • Added "tags" to user info to help categorize and add an extra level of grouping. An example of a tag could be "Heat Pump model", this can be added to a user and specify as its value the name of the HP. The UI helps reuse tag names in groups
  • Search functionality: looking for a word in user names, group names and user tags
  • Task module support, when installed:
    • Group member's tasks will be displayed under user feeds.
    • Tasks can be created for feeds in bulk


  • Administrator: full access (create users, add member, create group graphs, etc)
  • Sub-administrator: access to the list of members and group graphs
  • Passive member: no access to group. The aim of the user is to be managed by the group administrator

Graph module with Group support

In order to display feeds from different members of a group in a graph you need the latest emoncms Graph module which has Group support https://github.com/emoncms/graph


Future developments (who knows when)

  • Add member to group with username and token (admnistrator can see and use user's feeds but has not got full access to his/her account)
  • Group search functionality: groups can be "public" or "private" and therefor are searchable or not
  • Join request: groups can be "open" (users can joing then without request) or "closed" (to join a user hast to request it and relevant token is sent to an administrator)