
Calculate the SSVEP and P300 probability of how much the brain wave response of a duration close to the correct answers? using a simple LDA algorithm. The input files are designated to use the .csv files which generated under OpenViBE environment. The results will be returned in the form of the .png file, which shapes like a grid search result.

Primary LanguageMatlab

% :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: Up to date INFO :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
% (25/Feb/2016) Caution! Function LDAfuncex_P300 and LDAfuncex_SSVEP has not been
% public so far because of the author rights. Those of codes are modified
% version (implemented shrinkage algorhythm or so) of the LDA algorithm
% function which released in MATLAB central. Please, refer to the following link.
% http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/29673-lda--linear-discriminant-analysis
% :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: Instruction :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
% main_LDAcalc(ARG_1(char), ARG_2(char), ARG_3(double), ARG_4(double))
% === Input ===
% ARG_1 directory_Training(char): File directory location which has training csv files generated by OpenViBE
% ARG_2 directory_Trial(char): File directory location which has trial csv files generated by OpenViBE
% ARG_3 savePNG(double): If you want to save the result of the graph, this value should be set to 1, othewise 0
% ARG_4 identifier(double): Value of file identifier, if(SSVEP) value = 1; elseif(P300) value = 2;
% === Output ===
% Figure: Probability of each duration versus each targets (Grid)
% === Example ===
% MATLAB > main_LDAcalc('../User/DirectoryName/Target', '../User/DirectoryName/Trial', 1, 1)
% MATLAB > main_LDAcalc('../User/DirectoryName/Target', '../User/DirectoryName/Trial', 0, 0)
% :-:-:-:-: (C) Takumi Kodama, University of Tsukuba, Japan :-:-:-:-: