
Simple WebAPI for YOLOX

Primary LanguagePython

YoloX + FastAPI

2024/03/15 MINAGAWAA Takuya

I created simple API for object detector YOLOX.

YOLOX code and a onnx model are from OpenCV Zoo:



git and pip are required.

$ git clone https://github.com/takmin/YoloX_FastAPI.git
$ cd YoloX_FastAPI
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Edit configuration file "config.ini" for parameters for Yolo and log file.

  • backend: What backend and target processors are:
    • 0: (default) OpenCV implementation + CPU
    • 1: CUDA + GPU (CUDA)
    • 2: CUDA + GPU (CUDA FP16)
    • 3: TIM-VX + NPU
    • 4: CANN + NPU
  • onnxFile: File path to YOLOX trained model file (onnx format)
  • confidence: Class confidence for YoloX
  • nmsIoU: NMS IoU threshold for YoloX
  • threshold: Object threshold for YoloX
  • LogDirectory: Directory to store log files.
  • ImageLogDirectory: Directory to store images. If comment out, no image is stored.

Start API

You launch api service as below:

$  uvicorn detect_api:app

To get object detection results using API, HTTP POST json like below:

  image: <base64 encoded image>,
  visualize: <"true" to get visualized result>

Then you will get the following response

  detected: [
  visualize: <base64 encoded image>

"position" indicates coordinates of bounding box left-up and right-bottom corners: x0, y0, x1, y1.

You can test the API by accessing the following URL in your browser.
