
A theme for Tumblr, influenced by Steven Universe.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A theme for Tumblr, influenced by Steven Universe.

lion theme

##What lion does

  • Provide your tumblr blog with a large, pink fluffy lion-based theme
  • Support most/all post types
  • Support mobile devices and almost all viewports
  • Use Bootstrap 3.3.5 to make your blog schnazzy and up to date
    • it's what all of the cool kids are using these days, right?
  • Load quickly
    • Since it uses a CDN to load CSS classes, lion loads super fast and allows GIFs to load faster than ever

What lion doesn't

  • Support (easy) custom theming
  • Support anything else really
  • Actually give you a pink fluffy lion :(

If you want to see lion get more attention and grow more, please let me know by filing an issue to let me know what's broken/what I can improve.

made in 2 hours at 1 am

<3, Taco