- [User cooldown: 30s] rank
Shows your current ranking (e.g. Global Ranking, Country Ranking) and statistics (e.g. Average Misses, Average Accuracy) Note that this command can only be used when you're linked to an Account
- [User cooldown: 30s] rank <steamID> or <steam URL> or <custom URL>
Shows the current ranking of the user with specified Steam ID / URL.
- [Global cooldown: 1m] top10, top
Displays the current top tier players in Intralism, displayed as an Image in a Table.
- [User Cooldown 30s] link <steamID> or <steam URL> or <custom URL>
Links your Account to the specified Steam ID / URL. If you mistakenly entered another URL / ID, you can redo this process.
- Create a Discord Bot Account
- Get its API Key for later
- Download the Github repository
- Download Python and install it. I'm using v3.7, so I recommend 3.7+ as well to have no compatibility issues
- Get following Dependencies (I used pip to get these):
- Now run main.py by opening cmd and navigating from CMD to your bot folder
- In CMD, type: cd yourBotPath
- Now type python main.py
- It will now create a Config file. Close the bot and fill in your API Key I mentioned on top before.
- Now re-run the Bot as you did at Step 4. The Bot should now be working.
I'm not sure if this is the easiest way to get all dependencies etc. Please open up an issue if there is an easier way to make this.
My Account Information is not up to date! Why?
- This happens due to Intralism updating their Website slower than you made this request.
- We suggest to wait for some minutes and retry
My Information isn't displayed at all or is displayed partly!
- This might be due to you linking a wrong ID / Steam URL (Valid, but non-existant)
- If not please, tell us what ID you've picked and we'll reproduce and fix it!
Player Data and Top10 is fetched from rank_scraper
, using https://intralism.khb-soft.ru/?player={playerID}
as link.
Thanks @github/mishka for helping with scraping Data.
We have decided to scrape Data due to ?GetRanks
being horribly slow and ?GetServerData
even slower.
I'm using Discord Cogs to split everything up.
Handling Database related things goes to userdata
Handling Administrative things, such as disabling cogs, enabling or reinitializing cogs goes to admin
Handling Rank Commands such as top10 goes to ranking
This is to organize the code into collections of commands and listeners and handle things faster.
There comes a time in the bot development when you want to extend the bot functionality at run-time and quickly unload and reload code (also called hot-reloading). The command framework comes with this ability built-in, with a concept called extensions.
@mishka for introducing me into Python and helping me at Data collection from Websites
@incetarik for prettifying a lot of the Code.
@Mightylordx22 for giving me a head-start into the Project.