
A community-powered collection of all known bug bounty platforms, vulnerability disclosure platforms, and crowdsourced security platforms currently active on the Internet.

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Bug Bounty Platforms: Open-Sourced Collection of Bug Bounty Platforms

A ongoing community-powered collection of all known bug bounty platforms, vulnerability disclosure platforms, and crowdsourced security platforms currently active on the Internet.

Name URL Location Twitter Active Private or Public Bounties Hall of Fame
Antihack.me antihack.me Singapore https://twitter.com/AntihackMe Y Both Y https://www.antihack.me/leaderboard
Bluuk bluuk.io Romania https://twitter.com/debluuk Y NIL
Bug Bounty Switzerland bugbounty.ch Switzerland https://twitter.com/bugbounty_ch Y Both Y Y
Bug Hunt bughunt.com.br Brazil NIL Y Both Y NIL
bugbounty.jp bugbounty.jp Japan https://twitter.com/BugBounty_jp Y Both Y https://bugbounty.jp/users/ranking
bugbounty.sa bugbounty.sa Saudi Arabia NIL N NIL
Bugcrowd bugcrowd.com USA https://twitter.com/bugcrowd Y Both Y https://bugcrowd.com/leaderboard
BugsBounty bugsbounty.com India https://twitter.com/bugsbounty_com N NIL
bugsbounty.io bugsbounty.io England https://twitter.com/bugsbounty_com N NIL
Bugv bugv.io Nepal https://twitter.com/bugvsecurity Y Public Y NIL
Cesppa cesppa.com USA https://twitter.com/inspectiv Y Both Y NIL
Cobalt cobalt.io USA https://twitter.com/cobalt_io Y Private Y https://app.cobalt.io/pentesters
Crowdswarm crowdswarm.io United Arab Emirates https://www.crowdswarm.io/# Y Both Y NIL
Cyber Army Indonesia cyberarmy.id Indonesia https://twitter.com/cyberarmyid Y Both Y https://www.cyberarmy.id/leaderboard
Detectify detectify.com/crowdsource Sweden https://twitter.com/detectify Y Private Y NIL
Dvuln dvuln.com Australia https://twitter.com/d_vuln Y Private Y NIL
Federacy federacy.com USA https://twitter.com/_federacy Y Both Y NIL
Findbug findbug.io Kosovo https://twitter.com/Findbugks Y Private Y NIL
Hackenproof hackenproof.com Ukraine https://twitter.com/hacken_io Y Both Y https://hackenproof.com/leaderboard
HackerOne hackerone.com USA https://twitter.com/hacker0x01 Y Private Y https://hackerone.com/leaderboard
HACKTIFY hacktify.eu/en Central and Eastern Europe https://twitter.com/HACKTIFY_ Y Both Y Y
Hacktrophy hacktrophy.com Slovakia https://twitter.com/hacktrophy N NIL
Huntr huntr.dev UK https://twitter.com/huntrdev Y Both Y https://huntr.dev/leaderboard
Intigriti intigriti.com Belgium https://twitter.com/intigriti Y Both Y intigriti.com/leaderboard
Open Bug Bounty openbugbounty.org Bangladesh https://twitter.com/openbugbounty Y Public Y https://www.openbugbounty.org//
PlugBounty plugbounty.com https://twitter.com/plugbounty N NIL
Praetorian praetorian.com/platform/bug-bounty USA https://twitter.com/praetorian_inc N NIL
Red Storm redstorm.io Indonesia NIL Y Y Y NIL
Safehats safehats.com India https://twitter.com/SafeHats N NIL
Safevuln safevuln.com Vietnam NIL Y Public Y https://safevuln.com/leaderboard
ScanTitan scantitan.com/crowdsourced-penetration-testing Netherlands https://www.twitter.com/scantitan Y Private Y NIL
Secuna secuna.io Phillipines https://twitter.com/SecunaSecurity Y Private Y NIL
SlowMist slowmist.com China https://twitter.com/SlowMist_Team Y Public Y NIL
Swarmnetics swarmnetics.com Singapore https://twitter.com/swarmnetics Y Private Y NIL
Synack synack.com USA https://twitter.com/synack Y Private Y NIL
Testbirds testbirds.com Germany https://twitter.com/Testbirds Y Private N NIL
thebugbounty thebugbounty.com Malaysia https://twitter.com/thebugbounty Y Private Y NIL
v1bounty v1bounty.com Germany https://twitter.com/v1bounty Y Public Y NIL
Viet Nam Bug Bounty bugbounty.vn Vietnam NIL Y Public N https://bugbounty.vn/glorification
Vulbox vulbox.com China NIL Y Both Y https://www.vulbox.com/top/season
Vulnerability Lab vulnerability-lab.com Germany https://twitter.com/vuln_lab Y Both Y https://www.vulnerability-lab.com/hacktivity.php
Vulnscope vulnscope.com Chile https://twitter.com/vulnscope Y Private Y https://www.vulnscope.com/hacker-ranking
White Hub whitehub.net Vietnam https://twitter.com/CyStackSecurity Y Both Y https://whitehub.net/leaderboard
YesWeHack yeswehack.com/en/index.html France https://twitter.com/yeswehack Y Both Y https://yeswehack.com/ranking
Yogosha yogosha.com France https://twitter.com/yogoshaofficial Y Private Y N
Zero Day Initiative zerodayinitiative.com USA https://twitter.com/thezdi Y Public Y https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/advisories/published/
Zerocopter zerocopter.com Netherlands https://twitter.com/zerocopter Y Private Y N