
The only difficult part is coding the shaders.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


use-shader-fx is a library designed to easily implement shader effects such as fluid simulations and noise. It relies on react-three-fiber and has been designed with performance control in mind, especially when combined with drei.

For details on each FX, please refer to Storybook 👉 Storybook 👈

npm install @hmng8/use-shader-fx


From each fxHooks, you can receive [updateFx, setParams, fxObject] in array format. The config is an object, which varies for each Hook, containing details such as size,dpr and samples.

  1. updateFx - A function to be invoked inside useFrame, returning a THREE.Texture.
  2. setParams - A function to refresh the parameters, beneficial for performance tweaking, etc.
  3. fxObject - An object that holds various FX components, such as scene, camera, material,renderTarget, and output(final rendered texture).
const [updateFx, setParams, fxObject] = useSomeFx(config);

Execute updateFx in useFrame. The first argument receives the RootState from useFrame, and the second one takes HookPrams. Each fx has its HookPrams, and each type is exported.

useFrame((props) => {
   const texture = updateFx(props, params);
   const main = mainShaderRef.current;
   if (main) {
      main.u_bufferTexture = texture;

The simplest example

This is the simplest example!

import * as THREE from "three";
import { useRef } from "react";
import { useFrame, useThree } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { useFluid } from "@hmng8/use-shader-fx";

export const Home = () => {
   const ref = useRef<THREE.ShaderMaterial>(null);
   const { size, viewport } = useThree();
   const [updateFluid, , { output }] = useFluid({ size, dpr: viewport.dpr });
   useFrame((props) => updateFluid(props));

   return (
         <planeGeometry args={[2, 2]} />
					varying vec2 vUv;
						void main() {
							vUv = uv;
							gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
						precision highp float;
						varying vec2 vUv;
						uniform sampler2D u_fx;

						void main() {
							vec2 uv = vUv;
							gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_fx, uv);
               u_fx: { value: output },

Integrate with r3f scenes.

You can use r3f/createPortal to make some mesh render off-screen. All that remains is to combine the generated textures with FX!

import * as THREE from "three";
import { useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { useFrame, useThree, createPortal } from "@react-three/fiber";
import { useNoise, useSingleFBO } from "@hmng8/use-shader-fx";

function Box(props: any) {
   // This reference will give us direct access to the mesh
   const meshRef = useRef<THREE.Mesh>();
   // Set up state for the hovered and active state
   const [hovered, setHover] = useState(false);
   const [active, setActive] = useState(false);
   // Subscribe this component to the render-loop, rotate the mesh every frame
   useFrame((state, delta) => {
      meshRef.current!.rotation.x += delta;
      meshRef.current!.rotation.y -= delta;
   // Return view, these are regular three.js elements expressed in JSX
   return (
         scale={active ? 2 : 1.5}
         onClick={(event) => setActive(!active)}
         onPointerOver={(event) => setHover(true)}
         onPointerOut={(event) => setHover(false)}>
         <boxGeometry args={[1, 1, 1]} />
         <meshStandardMaterial color={hovered ? "hotpink" : "orange"} />

export const Home = () => {
   const ref = useRef<THREE.ShaderMaterial>(null);
   const { size, viewport, camera } = useThree();
   const [updateNoise, , { output }] = useNoise({
      dpr: viewport.dpr,

   // This scene is rendered offscreen
   const offscreenScene = useMemo(() => new THREE.Scene(), []);

   // create FBO for offscreen rendering
   const [boxView, updateRenderTarget] = useSingleFBO({
      scene: offscreenScene,
      dpr: viewport.dpr,
      samples: 4,

   useFrame((props) => {

   return (
               <ambientLight intensity={Math.PI} />
                  position={[10, 10, 10]}
                  position={[-10, -10, -10]}
               <Box position={[-1.5, 0, 0]} />
               <Box position={[1.5, 0, 0]} />
            <planeGeometry args={[2, 2]} />
					varying vec2 vUv;
						void main() {
							vUv = uv;
							gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
						precision highp float;
						varying vec2 vUv;
						uniform sampler2D u_fx;
						uniform sampler2D u_texture;

						void main() {
							vec2 uv = vUv;
							vec3 noiseMap = texture2D(u_fx, uv).rgb;
							vec3 nNoiseMap = noiseMap * 2.0 - 1.0;
							uv = uv * 2.0 - 1.0;
							uv *= mix(vec2(1.0), abs(nNoiseMap.rg), .6);
							uv = (uv + 1.0) / 2.0;
							gl_FragColor = texture2D(u_texture, uv);
                  u_texture: { value: boxView.texture },
                  u_fx: { value: output },


You can control the dpr using the PerformanceMonitor from drei. For more details, please refer to the scaling-performance of r3f.

export const Fx = () => {
   const [dpr, setDpr] = useState(1.5);
   return (
      <Canvas dpr={dpr}>
            onChange={({ factor }) => {
               setDpr(Math.round((0.5 + 1.5 * factor) * 10) / 10);
            <Suspense fallback={null}>
               <Scene />
            <Perf position={"bottom-right"} minimal={false} />

By using the PerformanceMonitor, you can subscribe to performance changes with usePerformanceMonitor. For more details, refer to drei.

With setParams received from fxHooks, it's possible to independently control high-load items such as iteration counts.

   onChange({ factor }) {
         pressure_iterations: Math.round(20 * factor),

How to make "custom fxHooks"

With some functions provided by use-shader-fx, creating a custom hook is straightforward (the challenging part is only the shader!). Please refer to existing fxHooks for details.

In addition, we have prepared a template in the repository below that is useful for creating custom hooks, so please clone and use it in the location where you created your custom hook.

git clone https://github.com/takuma-hmng8/CreateShaderFx

If you can create a cool FX, please contribute! 👉 CONTRIBUTING! 👈


Generates FBO and returns a double-buffered buffer texture after swapping. The useFBO of drei by default performs setSize for THREE.WebGLRenderTarget upon changes in dpr and size, making it challenging to handle buffer textures during changes like dpr adjustments. Therefore, a non-reactive hook against updates of dpr and size was created. It's possible to make them reactive individually through options. If you want to setSize at a custom timing, the fxObject that the fxHook receives as the third argument also stores renderTarget.

type UseFboProps = {
   scene: THREE.Scene;
   camera: THREE.Camera;
   size: Size;
   /** If dpr is set, dpr will be multiplied, default:false */
   dpr?: number | false;
   /** Whether to resize when resizing occurs. If isDpr is true, set FBO to setSize even if dpr is changed, default:false */
   isSizeUpdate?: boolean;
   /** Defines the count of MSAA samples. Can only be used with WebGL 2. Default is 0. */
   samples?: number;
   /** Renders to the depth buffer. Unlike the three.js, Default is false. */
   depthBuffer?: boolean;
   /** If set, the scene depth will be rendered to this texture. Default is false. */
   depthTexture?: boolean;

const [velocityFBO, updateVelocityFBO] = useDoubleFBO(UseFboProps);

When you call the update function, it returns a double-buffered texture. The second argument gets a function called before gl.render(), allowing for operations like swapping materials or setting uniforms.

const texture = updateVelocityFBO(gl, ({ read, write }) => {
   // callback before gl.render()
   setUniform(materials.advectionMaterial, "uVelocity", read);


This is a version without double buffering.

const [renderTarget, updateRenderTarget] = useSingleFBO(UseFboProps);


Generates and returns a THREE.OrthographicCamera.

const camera = useCamera(size);


When given the pointer vector2 from r3f's RootState, it generates an update function that returns {currentPointer, prevPointer, diffPointer, isVelocityUpdate, velocity}.

const updatePointer = usePointer();

const { currentPointer, prevPointer, diffPointer, isVelocityUpdate, velocity } =


This hook returns resolution. If dpr isn't set (or set to false), dpr won't be multiplied.

const resolution = useResolution(size: Size, dpr: number | false = false);


Creates a mesh and adds it to scene, geometry, and material. Returns the mesh.

useAddMesh(scene, geometry, material);


A function to set values in the uniforms of the shader material.

setUniform(material, "key", someValue);


Returns the refObject of params and its update function.

const [params, setParams] = useParams<HooksParams>;
   // HookPrams


Generate an FBO array to copy the texture.

const [renderTargets, copyTexture] = useCopyTexture(UseFboProps, length);
copyTexture(gl, index); // return texture

Other Hooks


The second argument contains the dependency array that updates the DOM. For example, you can pass a pathname when navigating pages.

const [updateDomSyncer, setDomSyncer, domSyncerObj] = useDomSyncer(
   { size, dpr },

useLayoutEffect(() => {
   if (state === 0) {
      domArr.current = [...document.querySelectorAll(".item")!];
   } else {
      domArr.current = [...document.querySelectorAll(".item2")!];
      dom: domArr.current,
      boderRadius: [...Array(domArr.current.length)].map((_, i) => i * 50.0),
      onIntersect: [...Array(domArr.current.length)].map((_, i) => (entry) => {
         if (entry.isIntersecting && !domSyncerObj.isIntersecting(i, true)) {
            // some callback
}, [state]);

const [, copyTexture] = useCopyTexture(
   { scene: fxTextureObj.scene, camera: fxTextureObj.camera, size, dpr },

useFrame((props) => {
   const syncedTexture = updateDomSyncer(props, {
      texture: [...Array(domArr.current.length)].map((_, i) => {
         if (domSyncerObj.isIntersecting(i, false)) {
            textureRef.current = updateFxTexture(props, {
               map: someFx,
               texture0: someTexture,
            return copyTexture(props.gl, i);
      resolution: [...Array(domArr.current.length)].map(() =>
         resolutionRef.current.set(props.size.width, props.size.height)

domSyncerObj contains an isIntersecting function that returns the DOM intersection test The boolean will be updated after executing the onIntersect function.

type DomSyncerObject = {
   scene: THREE.Scene;
   camera: THREE.Camera;
   renderTarget: THREE.WebGLRenderTarget;
    * A function that returns a determination whether the DOM intersects or not.
    * The boolean will be updated after executing the onIntersect function.
    * @param index - Index of the dom for which you want to return an intersection decision. -1 will return the entire array.
    * @param once - If set to true, it will continue to return true once crossed.
   isIntersecting: IsIntersecting;
   /** Returns the target's DOMRect[] */
   DOMRects: DOMRect[];

DomSyncerParams can be passed the onIntersect function.

type DomSyncerParams = {
   /** DOM array you want to synchronize */
   dom?: (HTMLElement | Element | null)[];
   /** Texture array that you want to synchronize with the DOM rectangle */
   texture?: THREE.Texture[];
   /** Texture resolution array to pass */
   resolution?: THREE.Vector2[];
   /** default:0.0[] */
   boderRadius?: number[];
   /** Array of callback functions when crossed */
   onIntersect?: ((entry: IntersectionObserverEntry) => void)[];