
deploy github pages with wercker

Primary LanguageShell

Github Pages Deploy

A wercker step to deploy to Github Pages.


  • token Github API access token (documentation). don't share this on a public repo, use an environment variable!
  • basedir optional Set this if your build step outputs to a folder. E.g. hugo outputs to public/
  • branch optional Set this if you want to deploy to a different branch for testing/staging purposes. By default it will use gh-pages (if a project), or master (if a user/organisation).
  • domain optional Set this to use a custom domain (documentation)
  • repo optional Set this to a github repo like "user/repo". Defaults to your build repo


Check out lvivier/luke.vivier.ca on GitHub.

    - gh-pages:
        token: $GIT_TOKEN
        domain: luke.vivier.ca
        basedir: public