
MoinMoin Docker image

Primary LanguageDockerfile

MoinMoin Docker Image

(C)2018 WATANABE Takuma takumaw@sfo.kuramae.ne.jp

What is MoinMoin

MoinMoin is a free and open source wiki engine implemented in Python, with a large community of users. See https://moinmo.in/ for more details.


You can run with:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 takumaw/moinmoin

You can now access your MoinMoin instance at http://localhost:8080.

You can also use the image with docker-compose, for example:

version: '3'
    image: takumaw/moinmoin
      - "8080:8080"
      - "3031:3031"
      - "9191:9191"
      - ./config:/usr/local/moin/config
      - ./data:/usr/local/moin/data
      - ./underlay:/usr/local/moin/underlay

Image structure and configuration

This image has a MoinMoin instance on uWSGI.

The MoinMoin instance listens these ports by default:

  • HTTP: 8080/tcp
  • uWSGI Socket: 3031/tcp
  • uWSGI Stats Server: 9191/tcp

You can configure uWSGI behaviour by mounting your own uwsgi.ini at /usr/local/moin/uwsgi.ini.

The image's directory structure is described below:

  • /usr/local/moin/ ... is a MoinMoin instance directory.
    • config/
    • data/
    • server/
    • underlay/
    • uwsgi.ini

If config/, data/, or server/ is empty (e.g. it's first time to boot a container), the container will automatically generate a new site under this directory from /usr/local/share/moin with additional settings (done by /docker-entrypoint.sh):

  • By default, user Admin is set as a superuser.
  • The instance_dir is set to os.path.join(wikiconfig_dir, os.pardir), which points to /usr/local/moin.
  • All scripts under /var/www/moin/server is configured to use this wiki instance.

Start, reload, and stop the container

Start a container:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 IMAGE_NAME

Reload MoinMoin instance:

$ docker exec CONTAINER_ID uwsgi --reload /usr/local/moin/moin.pid

Stop the container:

$ docker stop CONTAINER_ID

Run moin command

The moin command installation path, /usr/local/moin/server, is in PATH variable, so you can run moin command by:

$ docker exec CONTAINER_ID moin ...

For example:

$ docker exec CONTAINER_ID moin account create --name=Admin --email=admin@example.com --password=password
$ docker exec CONTAINER_ID moin cli show FrontPage

See https://moinmo.in/HelpOnMoinCommand for MoinMoin commands.

See the stats of uWSGI

You can see the stats of uWSGI by uwsgitop installed on your computer.

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 9191:9191 takumaw/moinmoin
$ uwsgitop localhost:9191