
Helper for constructing proxy environment variable.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


(C)2018 WATANABE Takuma takumaw@sfo.kuramae.ne.jp.

Licence: MIT.

What is this

The proxy_helper utility reads the proxy settings from System Preferences and constructs the http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy and no_proxy environment variables respectively.

$ proxy_helper -s
http_proxy="http://YOUR_HTTP_PROXY_SERVER:PORT"; export http_proxy; https_proxy="http://YOUR_HTTPS_PROXY_SERVER:PORT"; export https_proxy; ftp_proxy="http://YOUR_FTP_PROXY_SERVER:PORT"; export ftp_proxy; no_proxy="NO_PROXIES"; export no_proxy;

How to install

Homebrew tap is available at https://github.com/takumaw/homebrew-proxy_helper.

brew tap takumaw/proxy_helper
brew install proxy_helper

Or, you may build a binary from the source. See INSTALL.md.

How it works

In your /etc/profile for BASH, or /etc/zprofile for ZSH, add the following code snippet:

if [ -x /usr/local/opt/proxy_helper/libexec/proxy_helper ]; then
    eval `/usr/local/opt/proxy_helper/libexec/proxy_helper -s`

Change the path to the binary when you install it to another directory (e.g. built from the source.)

You may innstead put the snippet on ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshenv or ~/.zprofile.

For CSH or TCSH users, put the following code to e.g. /etc/csh.login:

if ( -x /usr/local/opt/proxy_helper/libexec/proxy_helper ) then
    eval `/usr/local/opt/proxy_helper/libexec/proxy_helper -c`

That's all set! All your newly invoked shells now have proxy environment variables set.

Re-open your terminal, and you see:

$ export

$ curl -O ...
# Commands works behind your proxy!

Man Page of proxy_helper


proxy_helper -- helper for constructing proxy environment variables


proxy_helper [-c | -s]


The proxy_helper utility reads the proxy settings from System Preferences and constructs the http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy and no_proxy environment variables respectively.


-c      Generate C-shell commands on stdout.  This is the default if SHELL ends with "csh".

-s      Generate Bourne shell commands on stdout.  This is the default if SHELL does not end with "csh".

The proxy_helper utility reads the proxy configuration from the System Preferences, and prints a one-liner shell script defining *_proxy environment variables.

  • http_proxy - Generated from the "Web Proxy Server".
  • https_proxy - Generated from the "Secure Web Proxy Server".
  • ftp_proxy - Generated from the "FTP Proxy Server".
  • no_proxy - Generated from "Bypass proxy settings".

The no_proxy variable is generated based on the rules below:

  • If a host matches to the pattern *.some.domain.name, then some.domain.name is added.
  • If a host matches to the pattern [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+ (that is, IPv4 address), then the host is added as is.
  • Ignored otherwise.

The proxy settings are retrieved from the network interface with the highest priority amongst currently active ones.

After you connected to another network environment, you may manually re-run this command to apply new proxy settings.


The proxy_helper utility should not be invoked directly. It is intended only for use by the shell profile.

In your /etc/profile for BASH, or /etc/zprofile for ZSH, add the following code snippet:

if [ -x PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION/proxy_helper ]; then
    eval `PATH_TO_YOUR_INSTALLATION/proxy_helper -s`


Takuma Watannabe takumaw@sfo.kuramae.ne.jp


  • path_helper(8)


Currently, Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) scripts are not supported. You have to manually specify your proxy servers in the System Preferences.