
This is a tool to translate markdown descriptions in jupyter notebook files using Google Cloud Translation API.


Install the nbtl command, and enable the Cloud Translation API. (This assumes the gcloud command is already set up. See below for the detail.)

pip install git+https://github.com/takumiohym/nb_translator.git
gcloud services enable translate.googleapis.com

Note: If you are using this tool outside of the managed Google Cloud notebook envieronment (e.g. Vertex AI Workbench) please install gcp clients and configure the authentication following these documents.


nbtl <source notebook file> --to <target language code>
[--target_file <target notebook file>] \
[--orig <source language code>] \
[--project_id <your GCP project id>] \
[--region <gcp region>]


Translate English Notebook file into Japanese (source language is en by default)

nbtl notebook_source_en.ipynb --to ja

Translate Spanish Notebook file into Korean

nbtl notebook_source_es.ipynb --orig es --to ko


This tool uses Google Cloud Translation API. Please read these documents and understand the cost and the limitations.