
Blazingly Fast Implementation of Deep Q-Network in C++ with NNabla

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Docker Pulls GitHub


Deep Q-Network implementation written in C++ with NNabla.

This project aims for the ⚡ fastest and 😄 readable DQN implementation.

macOS and Linux are currently supported.


  • reproduce the Nature paper.
  • add more DQN-based algorithms (Double DQN, Prioritized DQN, ...)
  • use CULE for further speed up.

third party

pull prebuilt docker container

If you want to play with this implementation on docker container, please use the prebuilt container.

$ docker pull takuseno/cpp-dqn
$ docker run -it --rm --runtime nvidia --name cpp-dqn takuseno/cpp-dqn:latest bash
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn# ./bin/train -rom atari_roms/breakout.bin

DockerHub: https://hub.docker.com/r/takuseno/cpp-dqn

play with a pretrained model

root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn# ./bin/play -rom atari_roms/breakout.bin -load logs/experiment_xxxx/10000000.param

If you want to see GUI window through the container, try the following commands.

$ xhost + # this is required only once
$ docker run -it --rm --runtime nvidia \
  -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix \
  --shm-size=256m \
  -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 \
  --name cpp-dqn takuseno/cpp-dqn:latest bash
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn# ./bin/play -rom atari_roms/breakout.bin -load logs/experiment_xxxx/10000000.param -gui

build with docker

To skip manual build, use prebuilt container and mount the current directory by running the following commands.

$ ./scripts/up.sh --runtime nvidia
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn# mkdir build
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn# cd build
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn/build# cmake .. -DGPU=ON
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn/build# make
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn/build# cd ..
root@834182ee578b:/cpp-dqn# ./bin/train -rom atari_roms/breakout.bin

As scripts/up.sh will enable X11 to show GUI window, you can use -gui option to see rendered screens.

manual build


Before building this repository, you need to install NNabla. See official instruction. Note that arguments of cmake must be as follows.


If you use GPU, you additionally need to install CUDA extension of NNabla. See official instruction.


By default, SDL libraries are used to build to render GUI. Then you need to install related libraries. If you need to omit this, you have to set -DUSE_SDL=OFF.

# macOS
$ brew install sdl sdl_gfx sdl_image

# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev

build DQN

Finally, run the following codes to build DQN.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. # add -DGPU=ON option to build with cuda extension
$ make


$ cd build
$ make
$ cd ..
$ ./scripts/test.sh

format codes

clang-format is used to format entire codes with llvm style.

$ ./scripts/autoformat.sh