My .vimrc file Automatically installs Vim-Plug, and any plugins I need before configuring them. Install: sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" Optional Args: Add --with-rust to install support for Rust. This may not work on older distributions, like Raspbian, or CentOS because their nvim version is too old. Shortcuts: \m - Enable/Disable mouse \n - Enable/Disable NERDTree \t - Enable/Disable Tagbar \c - Enable/Disable Copy Mode Makes it easy to copy lines Hides line numbers, NERDTree, Tagbar, Git Gutter, and disables Mouse \a - Make vimdiff ignore CachedBmp files (for Adobe Animate) Ctrl+n - Next buffer Ctrl+p - Previous buffer \w - Enable-disable whitespace highlighting Tabs, and trailing spaces