
A dope bot for iOS Folks

Primary LanguageSwift


Getting Started

Set up the project

  • Clone the project
  • Install pkg-config if you don't already have it installed ( brew install pkg-config )
  • Set up vapor (brew tap vapor/tap & brew install vapor/tap/vapor)
  • Set up libressl (brew install libressl & vapor update)
  • Create the Xcode project with Swift Package Manager (swift package generate-xcodeproj)
  • Create a Slack app. Click "Add features and functionality," and add the "Bots" feature.
  • Set up ngrok for development. Run ngrok http to expose your local server to the internet.
  • Copy the URL ngrok gives you (it'll be something like http://abc123.ngrok.io).
  • Go back to your Slack app's settings and add the ngrok URL in the Slack app permissions page under "Redirect URIs" with /oauth at the end of it (so, in our example, http://abc123.ngrok.io/oauth)
  • Set up redis. Docker is an easy way to do this. If you have docker installed, run docker run --name redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis
  • Set the project's environment variables. Click the scheme dropdown, and hit "edit scheme."
  • Set the STORAGE_URL environment variable to the redis URL (redis:// by default)
  • Set CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET to the IDs that Slack shows on your App page.
  • Set REDIRECT_URI to the redirect URL we set earlier ( http://abc123.ngrok.io/oauth, in our example)
  • Run the project
  • Visit and authorize the app.
  • You should be online now!