Gem for managing URLs

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A simple url object to allow for object oriented based manipulation and usage of a url. It works with Typhoeus if it detects it’s installed or defaults back to Net::HTTP.


Basic Usage

You can easily extract or change any part of the url

url = URL.new('https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#mbox')
url.params # => {:shva => '1'}
url.scheme # => 'https'
url.host   # => 'mail.google.com'
url.domain # => 'google.com'
url.subdomain # => ['mail']
url.path   # => '/mail/'
url.hash   # => 'mbox'

url.subdomain = ['my','mail']
url.params[:foo] = 'bar'
url.to_s   # => 'https://my.mail.google.com/mail/?foo=bar&shva=1#mbox'

Make Requests

You can quickly and easily make requests from those urls without having to worry about whether they’re https or not.

url = URL.new('https://graph.facebook.com/37901410')
response = url.get
response # => "{"id":"37901410","name":"Tal Atlas","first_name":"Tal","last_name":"Atlas","link":"http:\\/\\/www.facebook.com\\/talatlas","gender":"male","locale":"en_US"}"

A {URL::Response} object is returned from {URL#post}, {URL#get}, or {URL#delete}. This is basically a string with a few additional methods including:

The time the request took in seconds The http code of the response and whether the request was successful or not (code == 2xx).

response.time     # => 1.6
response.code     # => 200
response.success? # => true

You can make GET, POST, or DELETE requests without doing any special formatting.

url.path << '/feed'
url.params[:access_token] = '.....'
url.params[:message] = "Hey I'm posting this message with ruby"
json = url.post

post_id = magic_method(json)

url.path = "/#{post_id}"


If you’ve initialized the Yajl, JSON, or Active Service gems you can call .json on any response object.

url = URL.new('https://graph.facebook.com/37901410')
url.get.json # => => {"name"=>"Tal Atlas", "gender"=>"male", "id"=>"37901410", "last_name"=>"Atlas", "locale"=>"en_US", "link"=>"http://www.facebook.com/talatlas", "first_name"=>"Tal"}

Make Custom Objects

Make objects designed around specific urls

class FacebookURL < URL('http://www.facebook.com/__test_me__/foo/__test_again__')
  allow_changed :subdomain
  allow_params :foo, :bar

This will create a FacebookURL object where you can only change the subdomain, the params foo and bar, and the parts of the paths tagged test_me and test_again. This object has the getters and setters: subdomain, foo, bar, test_me, and test_again. You can then call .to_s, .get, .post, or .delete.

The object has an instance variable defined as @url which is a url object you can manipulate.


  • Fast Dup method

  • More Documentation

  • More specs

  • Make faster

  • JSON support

  • More robust subdomain/path methods

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.

  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.

  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)

  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Copyright © 2010 Tal Atlas. See LICENSE for details.