
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Typescript Monorepo Template

This is a template for building a typescript monorepo. It includes a built-in Create React App client, an express server, a shared package, and some code to glue them together.

This README will serve as a description for why everything is setup the way it is so that you can extend and modify it to fit your eventual needs.

Cool Stuff

Intra-module Shared Types Without Build

Strongly Typed Client Fetch

Get all the available routes:

Know when you need params:

Know what params exist and their types:

Know the route's return type:

How Do Monorepo?

In order to create a monorepo this template leverages several technologies in conjunction: tsc, yarn 1.x, and lerna.


Yarn provides the underlying code linking allowing the packages to reference each other and share common dependencies. This is all done in the root package.json. The Root package can also contain common dependencies, in this case things like typescript, lerna, and prettier. The dependencies listed in here are available to all of the subpackages. In addition all of the subpackages are automatically available to any other subpackage.


By convention each package is named with @[project-name]/[package-name] and is pinned to the version 1.0.0. Since they are all marked as private all packages are internally referenced and don't need to maintain versioning, thus 1.0.0 is arbitrary.

Each subpackage that references each other does need to be included in the dependencies key in their respective package.json. After this is added yarn will provide symlinks to the respective package, it's important to include the typings file in the package.json so that you have access to the other package's types.


Lerna's usage in this is very small: it's to run commands on each subpackage in the order that their dependency graph requires. In this simple case it will run commands in the order of common->server->client. These commands can be things like build or test.

tsc Typescript

Typescript itself can handle multiple packages via the references key in the tsconfig.json file. This has the huge benefit of having type changes in one module instantly being available to the package that.

Typescript project references allow you to tell the typescript compiler what other code you're referencing. This accomplishes several things:

  • When building a given project will also build its dependencies to make sure everything is up to date.
  • Allows the typescript language server to see reference changes immediately, this allows vscode to have the latest typings.
  • Allows you to build all packages at once.


This repo uses, mostly, shared typescript configs. The base config ./tsconfig.base.json provides the compiler options to all of the packages other than the client which has its own due to the requirements of create react app.

The primary difference between each config is the references for which project it references. tsconfig.json files don't have to be directly associated with a package and can be used to leverage compilation. If you look at packages/tsconfig.json you can build all of the libraries at once by running tsc -b packages. This will not generate the client as that uses thee create react app scripts for generation.

How to Develop

Starting your own repo

To use this repo to create your own project start by tapping the "use this template" button use this template button.

If you want to do it manually I'd recommend you clone this repo and then delete the git repo to start from scratch (rm -rf .git).

Building your own packages

If you want to add more packages than the three listed go for it! It's quite easy you'll just want to follow these steps.

  1. Create folder in the packages/ folder.

  2. Create your package.json file in the new folder.

    • Use a common naming scheme, something like @[project-name]/[package-name]
    • Add any dependencies to other internal packages manually.
    • Add the build script: "build": "tsc -b .",
    • Make sure you've included a types key, like: "types": "dist/index.d.ts",
  3. Create your tsconfig.json

    • Take a look at the packages/server/tsconfig.json for an example.
      • Make sure that you include any references in this file.
      • If you're using jest you may want to exclude your test files so jest doesn't run both the compiled and uncompiled files.
  4. If you want to test using jest check out the common repo, it contains a working example of jest working.

Build & Run

To quickly get started on server you can run yarn run watch in the root folder, this will run a watcher that will build both the client and the common packages. You will then need to re-run yarn start after each code change. If this is annoying I recommend looking into tools like nodemon to have an auto-restarting server.

To develop the client, you can run yarn run client. This is the same as running yarn start in the client package directly. This assumes that the server is already running. This runner will auto-rebuild the client code.

Adding a server endpoint

There is no express framework in this template but there is a helper to add endpoints that also allows for types to be shared with the client. To learn about how this works with typescript check out this section. This section here will describe how to add a new endpoint.

The routes object is a simple type of routes[get|post]['/api/my-path'] = async function. When you add a new function to this object it'll automatically handle it.

It's very important that all your routes start with /api so that the react proxy knows to forward them along to the server and not render the SPA.

Responder function

The function that you assign to the route is essentially of the form:

type Responder = (options: {
  req: express.Request
  resp: express.Response
  params?: object
  pathParams?: object
  body?: object
}) => Promise<object>

It's important that you don't set the type of the responder manually, the automatic detection of the type is what allows the type sharing.

The params, pathParams, and body keys in options provide strong typing for what type of object is incoming to the function. Instead of sending the response via the response object, you can just return an object. If you throw an error inside of the responder it'll automatically return a 500 with the contents of the thrown error.


There's some interesting uses of typescript within this, this section is for explaining how these uses work and why.

Server Shared Types

Most of the logic for this is contained within route-types.ts.

The purpose of this is to allow the client to not only know the response types of endpoints but also what endpoints exist and what parameters they take. This is done entirely with the type system and no codegen. This goal is to simplify the build process but does have limitations. In order to accomplish this a type is created that is used purely to enable this, no types are actually created with this type. The type that's generated is of the form:

type Routes = {
  get: {
    '/api/my-route/:id': {
      options: {
        pathParams: { id: string }
        params: { offset: number }
      result: Promise<
          items: string[]

Let's start with discussing how this type is generated, we'll get into APIResponse and how it's used later.

Looking at the end goal of providing a typed fetch api, we needed to determine 3 things:

  1. Path
  2. Input type: params, pathParams, and body.
  3. Response type

To get the exact values for these we must use a generic type. This means that we cannot have the handler match a pre-existing type. As an example you can compare the types for both of these.

type Handler = (options?: { params?: object }) => Promise<object>
const handler: Handler = async (options: { params: { id: number } }) => ({
  items: ['abc', `${options.params.id}`],

This method is good because it ensures that the assignment contains the appropriate values, and it will error if not done. Unfortunately it erases the specific types for params and the return.

type Handler<P, R> = (options?: { params?: P }) => Promise<R>
const handler: Handler<{ id: number }, { items: string[] }> = async (options: {
  params: { id: number }
}) => ({
  items: ['abc', `${options.params.id}`],

This method is better, it allows for specific types, but unfortunately you have to specify the type in two places, a pain in the neck 🙂.

const handler = async (options: { params: { id: number } }) => ({
  items: ['abc', `${options.params.id}`],
typeof handler = (options: {
    params: {
        id: number;
}) => Promise<{
    items: string[];

If we let typescript infer the type, we get the exact values inferred for us.

Approach one doesn't work for us, but either of the latter two would work, it's a matter of preference and either would work. The important thing is getting the exact types into the type system.

In order to convert these handlers into the new format we want we start to use the infer feature of the typescript type system. The RouteHandler type is a meta type that converts a function definition into the structure that we're looking for. Let's examine this type:

type RouteHandler<T> = T extends (opt: infer Options) => infer Result
  ? {
      options: HandlerOptions<Options>
      result: APIResponse<PromiseValue<Result>>
  : never

T extends (opt: infer Options) => infer Result this ensures that a function with one attribute is passed in. If not then it'll be omitted from the output type by the never attribute. If the type is matched, the infer keyword generates the new types Options and Result.

HandlerOptions is used to take the inferred Options type from above and pull out the relevant types if they exist. This is type is required to be able to extract the specific types from options. Without this there'd be no way to both know the presence of these keys and their values. This allows you to detect known keys and extract their types if they exist.

// prettier-ignore
type HandlerOptions<O> =
  O extends undefined ? undefined : ( // If the options set is optional skip all this, infer automatically creates two branches
    & (O extends { params: infer Params }         ? { params: Params } : {})
    & (O extends { pathParams: infer PathParams } ? { pathParams: PathParams } : {})
    & (O extends { body: infer Body }             ? { body: Body } : {})

First it checks if the options are undefined, this allows for handlers to have optional parameters. If the options object exists it generates a type with each of the given keys. If more keys are needed they'd need to be added to this type.

At this point we're able to generate a type that contains addressable keys for all relevant input keys and the result type. Next we need to be able to map that to a specific path.

To get the path we can then build up an object that looks something like this:

const routes = {
  '/api/one': handlerOne,
  '/api/two': handlerTwo,

If not overwritten, an object like this provides a type with exact key names. This means that the type already has the path built in. In order to use the types we previously generated with this object we need to make a type that maps each individual key to a specific type. To do that we use the RouteSet type:

type RouteSet<T> = {
  [Path in keyof T]: RouteHandler<T[Path]>

This type iterates though each key in the source object and generates a corresponding value type individually. Contrast that with a more generic record type like this:

type RouteSet<T> = {
  [k: string]: RouteHandler<T[ ¯\_()_/¯ ]>

RouteSet is the type that we can export that the client fetcher can then use to provide type safe access. With that we'll move on to describing how to use this type to consume the data.

Fetching with static types

All of thee logic associated with consuming a RouteSet is located in the server.ts file. The primary typescript feature used here is the ability to access the type of a key on an object.

function get<
  Path extends keyof MyRouteSet,
  Route extends MyRouteSet[Path],
  Options extends Route['options'] & {
    signal?: AbortSignal | undefined | null
  Result extends Route['result']
>(path: Path, options: Options): Promise<Result> {
  const url = modifyPathWithParams(replacePathParams(path, options), options)

  return fetch(url, {
    method: 'GET',
    signal: options?.signal,
  }).then(response => response.json() as Promise<Result>)

const result = await get('/api/one', { params: { id: 123 } })

This function creates a bunch of generic types that provide typeahead and compile time safety.

  • Path is the string literal value that is by definition the path to request.
  • Route is the RouteHandler object associated with that particular path.
  • Options takes the options generated by HandlerOptions and adds in the ability to pass in AbortSignal that the underling fetch implementation can use to abort the request.
  • Result is the wrapped type provided by the server.
  • Within the method there's custom logic to apply the params and pathParams to the full URL used by fetch. Unfortunately within the function implementation the options variable doesn't actually know if it has any of these keys, so we must cast it to any to be able to access the values.