Pinned Repositories
:raising_hand: A Selenium based automated program that scrapes profiles data,stores in CSV,follows them and saves their profile in PDF.
:radio: An OLX Scraper using Scrapy + MongoDB. It Scrapes recent ads posted regarding requested product and dumps to NOSQL MONGODB.
:fire: :zap: SOLID Design Principles explanation with diagrams, examples in C++. :rocket: Motivation behind each principle is explained. Difference between good code and bad code is defined.
tal95shah's Repositories
:raising_hand: A Selenium based automated program that scrapes profiles data,stores in CSV,follows them and saves their profile in PDF.
:radio: An OLX Scraper using Scrapy + MongoDB. It Scrapes recent ads posted regarding requested product and dumps to NOSQL MONGODB.
:fire: :zap: SOLID Design Principles explanation with diagrams, examples in C++. :rocket: Motivation behind each principle is explained. Difference between good code and bad code is defined.
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.