
This is a re-attack of the problem set of Chess as presented by [The Odin Project](https://theodinproject.com), programmed in Ruby

Primary LanguageRuby


The game of Kings, at the commandline.

Project Info

This is a project assignment for The Odin Project

Learn to Play

Initial thoughts

I have been calling this project a refactor as I've talked my way back up to doing it - sometimes you have to whistle past the graveyard to get to where you're going. It's not really a refactor at all, more of a reattack of the initial problem set. I've decided to completely scrap what I had before - the only thing I may crib for myself is the movement data for the pieces as I've already done those base calculations and figured out a workable targetting strategy for piece movement.

I intend to stay as far away from BST as possible, as my decision to use that as my storage structure last time added a layer of unnecessary abstraction. That said, I've looked over a few others' solutions to the problem of Chess in ruby and have spotted a couple of takeaways that I'm considering implementing. One of those ideas is using a Node object for square data, and just referencing the node object in an 8x8 2d array.

My MVP for this project is:

A working game of chess that implements:

  • all piece moves
  • turn based play
  • displays
    • a chess board
    • a list of moves
    • string data for output and input
  • save and load game data
  • calculate win state (checkmate/draw)
  • calculate threatened state for a given square