# Solarize.12x29.psfu ## About This Font This package provides a large size 512 glyph console font. It is especially designed for prolonged word processing in multiple languages. Because this font contains over 256 glyphs the hardware bold text property of your console will be turned off. ## Characters Available * Latin * Greek * Main european cyrillic letters * Pinyin Please see Solarize.12x29.txt for full list. ## Installing ### One time use Extract the file `Solarize.12x29.psfu.gz` and load it into your console with command: $ setfont Solarize.12x29.psfu.gz ### System wide default font As root: 1. Extract the file `Solarize.12x29.psfu.gz` into your console font directory. In Debian that is `/usr/share/consolefonts`. 2. Change the console default font. In Debian that means editing the `/etc/default/console-setup` file. 3. Test the changes with the `setupcon` command. 4. Make changes permanent by updating your `initramfs` with `update-initramfs -u`. ## Licensing Licensed under GPLv2. ## History Origins of this font can be traced to the Sun Microsystems SPARCstation console. In some early days of Linux development that font was donated to be a part of the Linux kernel. After that: * sun12x22.psfu was extracted from the kernel source * iso01-12x22.psfu was derived from sun12x22.psfu by Kurt Garloff * LatGrkCyr-12x22.psfu was derived from iso01-12x22.psfu by Ken Moffat (zarniwhoop) * Solarize.12x22.psfu was derived from LatGrkCyr-12x22.psfu by Tero Niemi (talamus) The original LatGrkCyr-12x22.psfu had the following note by Ken Moffat: > The [LatGrkCyr-]12x22 font is derived from iso01-12x22 and hence > from the sun 12x22 font included in the linux kernel, therefore it > is licensed under the GPLv2. Both the original note and the font can be found at Linux kernel keyboard tools (kbd): http://www.kbd-project.org/download/ (For completeness sake: iso02-12x22.psfu was derived from sun12x22.psfu by Jacek Lipkowski) # Thank You! Have fun!