
This project is dealing with Vigenre cipher: cipher plain text,decipher ciphered text, find length of secret key , find the key itself -> being able to read secret ciphered messeges.

Primary LanguageJava


This project is dealing with Vigenre cipher.

What is Vigenere cipher?

Each letter in the ABC get a value. A key word is decided and we can encrypt our plain text with the key to get the ciphered text. For example:

Each letter get the value according to this method: A=0, B=1 , C=2, D=3, E=4,,F=5,G=6,H=7,I=8 ... Z=25

let's see an example:


The first coloumn is D+F=I, which is 5+3=8 according to the table.

In this Project

1)cipher function - gets a plain text and a key , and adjust the text to cipher text.

2)decipher function- gets a ciphered text and a key , and adjust the text to plain text.

3)numOfLetters- function that return an int array which represents how many times each letter appeared in a string.

4)findLengthOfKey- gets a ciphered text and return the length of the secret key. this function uses some sub functions: icForAverage , icForOneElement and findMin. We calc the key using the Ic for each suspected letter. for more details about IC : [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_of_coincidence]

5)findTheKey- gets a ciphered text and find it's secret key. This function uses 4) in order to get the key length , and then find the actual chars of the key while using a letter frequnecy formula.


After we have found the key , we can use decipher function with the ciphered text and the key as parameters , and we will get the secret messege in response!