
A clone of the popular GeoGuessr for George Mason University

Primary LanguageJava


To run frontend:

Install nodejs from here and select the LTS version (left green button)

Once it is installed, open your terminal and ensure that npm runs successfully on it. It should print something like this:

npm <command>


npm install        install all the dependencies in your project
npm install <foo>  add the <foo> dependency to your project
npm test           run this project's tests
npm run <foo>      run the script named <foo>
npm <command> -h   quick help on <command>
npm -l             display usage info for all commands
npm help <term>    search for help on <term>
npm help npm       more involved overview

All commands:

Then in order to run the frontend, you'll need to navigate into the frontend folder from your terminal by doing cd frontend/. Once there, run npm install, it will install all dependencies and once that is done, run npm run dev which should start the server. It should say it's running on http://localhost:5173, just navigate to this URL on your browser.

Once done, editing any file in the frontend/src folder will automatically reload the frontend with your changes!

To run backend:

Install Java 17 (idk how you are supposed to do this). Then you need to cd into the backend folder cd backend/ and run the following command based on computer.

Windows: gradlew.bat bootRun Linux/macOS: ./gradlew bootRun

It should setup everything and start the server on port 8080. When you make changes, you'll need to do Ctrl+C in the terminal and run the command again to restart the server.