
Official website of the git-game.

Primary LanguageHTML


Hello, this is the repo for the git-game website.


  • You must have Node.js installed

    1. You can install using a package manger with the following commands
      • $ sudo brew install node
      • $ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
      • $ pacman -S nodejs npm
      • etc...
    2. Or you can install directly from Nodejs.org

After installing Node you should have access to the node and npm (node package manager) binaries.

  • Install bower $ npm install bower -g if not already installed

####Now clone this repository and install packages

  • $ cd /path/to/the/cloned/repo/website
  • $ npm install --save
  • $ bower install

##Now you are good to go!

Run the final command

  • $ node server.js

And point your browser http://localhost:8080/ to view the website