
[TP]: To add "Favourite" button into the "Company views a Jobseeker Profile" page

astkhikatredi opened this issue · 0 comments


We recently introduced a feature enabling job seekers to easily access and share the URL of their profiles with companies.

Companies can now view and download job seeker profiles through the provided link. However, the ability to add a job seeker to the 'Favorites' list currently requires a manual search on the 'Browse' page, followed by clicking on the heart symbol.

To improve the user experience for companies, particularly during upcoming Job Fairs, we aim to improve the process.

What needs to be done?

In Eric's clear words from Slack:

copy the favourite button from "Browse Jobseekers" page and put it into the "Company views a Jobseeker Profile" page.

So, yes, we need to put also the Heart symbol to Jobseeker's page when Company review it.
The logic remains the same: if a company clicks the symbol, the jobseeker will be added to their Favorites list.

We can put Heart Symbol on the right side of the Name box (see the screenshot)

Additionally, this information to be recorded in Salesforce, allowing us to track who has favorited whom (this is also available now).

In the future we will think about something else, another ticket will be created.