
fluid responsive slider

Primary LanguageJavaScript


YerSlider is designed for frontend-developpers, suitable for responsive design and potentially can slide anything. There are Demos and Documentation and you can play around with a demo on codepen.io

The script was started to personel understand all the limitations and problems I had with other slider-scripts.

Releases & Download

You can read the version history and download the latest stable version here on GitHub.


  • fluid slider
  • grouping slides depending on breackpoints
  • bullets
  • thumbs
  • touch ready
  • css-transition for smooth sliding and javascript fallback


You can look at the enhancement issues for uppcomming features.

Just ask me for your needs at mail@johannheyne.de or create a new issue.


There are some libraries, YerSlider depends on. Some are permanently required, others depends on individual functionalities.

permanetly required:

depend on individual functionalities:


The "modernizr.js" must be loaded very early in the head section. It detects browser features. YerSlider needs feature detection for js, touch, csstransforms3d, csstransitions and cssanimations.

jQuery can be in latest version of 1.x or 2.x. The YerSlider script was built to use jQuery in the scope of the jQuery variable.


	// use YerSlider scripts in here


jquery.touchSwipe.js is required, when the swipe functionality is enabled in a slider.

The YouTube iframe API is required, when youtube videos are used in a slide.


The YerSlider folder comes with an subfolder /dependencies/ that holds all nessesary libraries. All of these libraries exept jQuery and modernizr.js are registered in YerSlider and will be autoloaded as required. So you can, but do not need to manualy embed them in your html. YerSlider checks on runtime, if the dependencies exists. If not, YerSlider tries to load them from the dependencies folder. If you want to embed the dependencies asyncron by yourself, please setup dependencies_autoload: false,. To make autoload working, the absolute path of the yersliderfolder is required.

var myslider = new YerSlider();
	yersliderfolderabsolutepath: '/your_assets_folder/yerslider/',
	dependencies_autoload: true, // default is true


Basic HTML

The basic html of the slider is what you should provide in your code, to make the YerSlider script working.

<div class="yerslider yerslider-wrap mysliderclass">
	<div class="yerslider-viewport">
		<div class="yerslider-mask">
			<ul class="yerslider-slider">
				<li class="yerslider-slide">
					<!-- slide content -->
				<li class="yerslider-slide">
					<!-- slide content -->
		<!-- buttons, bullets, thumbs appears here by …location: 'inside' -->
	<!-- buttons, bullets, thumbs  appears here by …location: 'outside' -->

Loading The Script

Load the yerslider.js from the core folder. The best way is to load the script on dependecy of a slider on the page. The following script does this.

if ( jQuery('.yerslider').length > 0 ) {

		url: '/assets/yerslider/core/yerslider.min.js',
		dataType: 'script',
		cache: true,
		async: true,
		success: function () {

			/* define a slider here */

Define a Slider

var myslider = new YerSlider();
	sliderid: '.mysliderclass'

Load the Slider Stylesheet

There is a themefolder with an default theme. Inside there is the stylesheet with basic styles. Just copy the theme and make your additions to the styles. Then load the styles in the head of your html or use a preprozessor to add this to your existing basic stylesheet.

Adapting Options For Different Enviroments

If you use enviroments for developing, staging etc., all options of YerSlider can be adapted via the YerSliderGlobals object.


	// development enviroment
	// Notice, "::1" is the IPv6 equivalent of the IPv4 address
	if ( stristr( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], '' ) || stristr( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], '::1' ) ) {

		$autoplayinterval = 1000;

	// production enviroment
	elseif ( stristr( $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], 'production-domain' ) ) {

		$autoplayinterval = 6000;


	YerSliderGlobals = {
		param: {
			autoplayinterval: <?php echo $autoplayinterval; ?>,



Slider ID

sliderid: '.mysliderclass',


loop: 'none', // infinite, rollback

Transition Style

transitionstyle: 'slide', // slide, fade
animationspeed_adjustheight: 300,


animationtype: 'ease', // ease, ease-in-out, ease-in, ease-out, linear
animationspeed: 1000,

Group Slides

slidegroup: 1,
slidegroupresp: {
	0: 1,
	400: 2,
	800: 3
autoslidegroup: true,

slidegroup is the static and slidegroupresp the responsive setup for slidegroups. autoslidegroup by default limits the slidegroup or slidegroupresp value to the available slides.


slidegap: 0,

Sliding Step

Per default, the slider slides the amount of slides in the viewport. With the option slidingstep you can manually set the amount of slides to slide.

slidingstep: 2, // undefined or integer

Previous & Next Button

nextbtn: true,
prevbtn: true,
prevnextlocation: 'inside', // inside, outside
nextclassadd: '',
prevclassadd: '',


bullets: true,
bulletclickable: true,
bulletslocation: 'inside', // inside or outside the sliderviewport


<li class="yerslider-slide" data-thumb-template-key="1" data-thumb-text="Hello World!">
	<!-- slide content -->
thumbs: true,
thumbslocation: 'inside', // inside or outside the sliderviewport
thumbshideiflessthan: 2,
thumbstemplates: {
	'1': {
		'html': '<p>{{thumb-text}}</p>',
		'cssclass': 'my-thumb-template-class'
thumbsclickable: true,
thumbsready: function( p ) {

	/** Fires, after thumbs are ready.
		The variable p provides all slider objects
		an some parameters.

		p {
			obj {
				sliderwrap: undefined,
				sliderviewport: undefined,
				slider: undefined,
				slide: undefined,
				bulletswrap: undefined,
				bullets: undefined,
				prevbtn: undefined,
				nextbtn: undefined,
				videoplayers: {},
				slides_videoplayers: {},
				thumbswrap: undefined,
				thumbsitems: undefined,
				thumbsitem: undefined,
			param {
				touch: false,

	/** An example from the default theme, 
		that makes the thumbs scrolling 
		by following the mouse */

	var yersliderthumbs = new YerSliderThumbs();
		obj: p.obj,
		param: p.param


autoplay: false,
autoplayinterval: 3000,
autoplaystoponhover: true,

Continuosly scrolling like a ticker:

autoplaycontinuously: false,
autoplaycontinuouslyspeed: 4000, // milliseconds per slide distance
autoplaycontinuouslystoponhover: true,

Falls back to autoplay if css animation is not available.


swipe: false,
swipeandprevnextbtn: false,
swipeanimationspeed: 300,

Scroll Top

Scrolls the page to the given distance from top scrolltopval: with the speed of scrolltopspeed:

scrolltop: false,
scrolltopval: 0,
scrolltopspeed: 500,


Detaching gives the possibility to grab, hide and put slide content outside the slider items and may elsewhere in the document.

detach: {
    targets: {
        '1': {
            selector_wrap: '.detach-target', // selector
            selector_item: '.detach-target-item', // selector
            insert_selector: 'this', // 'this' (the current slider wrap element) / 'viewport' / 'bullets' / 'thumbs' / any class / any id
            insert_method: 'after', // 'before', 'after', 'append', 'prepend'
            template_wrap: '<div class="detach-target">{content}</div>', // html
            template_item: '<div class="detach-target-item">{content}</div>', // html
            change: function( p ) {

                /*  This function is called on every slide event and
                    is intended to show the current detachings.

                    p: {
                        items: slider items objects,
                        items_current: current slider items objects
    sources: {
       '1': {
            target_id: '1', // key of targets object
            selector: '.detach-me p', // selector
            source: 'element', // 'element' / 'content'
            remove: '.detach-me', // selector

Images Loaded

imagesloaded: [ 'slide', 'thumbs' ], // [ 'slider', 'slide', 'thumbs' ]
loadingmessagedelay: 30,

With imagesloaded slider areas are defined, which are to be checked for loaded images before they are displayed. 'slider' will display the sliderviewport when all images of all slides are loaded. 'slide' will display the sliderviewport when all images of the first slides in the viewport are loaded. This also pauses sliding and creates an new element inside the viewport with the class .slider-loading until the images of the next current slides are loaded.

'thumbs' will display the thumps when all images used in the thumbs are loaded.

The loadingmessagedelay defines the time in milliseconds to wait, until the element with the class .slider-loading should be created while checking for loaded images.

CSS Classes

YerSlider uses some css classes you may could change.

// basic slider
sliderclass: '.yerslider',
sliderwrapclass: '.yerslider-wrap',
sliderwrapclasshasbullets: '.yerslider-has-bullets',
sliderviewportclass: '.yerslider-viewport',
slidermaskclass: '.yerslider-mask',
sliderclass: '.yerslider-slider',
slideclass: '.yerslider-slide',
slidecurrentclass: '.current',
slidegroupcurrentclass: '.slidegroup-current',
slidegroupfirstclass: '.slidegroup-first',
slidegrouplastclass: '.slidegroup-last',
slidecloneclass: '.slide-clone',
loadingclass: '.yerslider-loading',

// previous and next buttons
prevnextclass: '.yerslider-prevnext',
nextclass: '.yerslider-next',
prevclass: '.yerslider-prev',
nextinactiveclass: '.yerslider-next-inactive',
previnactiveclass: '.yerslider-prev-inactive',

// bullets
sliderwrapclasshasbullets: '.yerslider-has-bullets',
bulletswrapclass: '.yerslider-bullets-wrap',
bulletclass: '.yerslider-bullet',
bulletcurrentclass: '.yerslider-bullet-current',

// thumbs
sliderwrapclasshasthumbs: '.yerslider-has-thumbs',
thumbswrapclass: '.yerslider-thumbs-wrap',
thumbsmaskclass: '.yerslider-thumbs-mask',
thumbsitemsclass: '.yerslider-thumbs-items',
thumbsitemclass: '.yerslider-thumbs-item',
thumbsitemcurrentclass: '.thumb-current',
thumbsitemgroupcurrentclass: '.thumb-slidegroup-current',

// slide is loading message element
loadingclass: '.yerslider-loading',

For styling slides or thumbs there are serveral classes for different states.
.current is the current slide. Is the first slide in a slide-group.
.slidegroup-current is a slide of the current slide-group.
.slidegroup-first is the first slide of the current slide-group.
.slidegroup-last is the last slide of the current slide-group.
.slide-clone is a cloned slide created and used by YerSlider to do infinity sliding. This class is useful to hide these slides in print styles.

.thumb-current is the current thumb. Is the first thumb in the current thumb-slidegroup.
.thumb-slidegroup-current is a thumb of the current thumb-slidegroupp.