
Sweet and Weird Educational EdiTor

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

SWEET (Sweet and Weird Educational EdiTor)

This project is set to make a text editor with educational purpose, i.e, to known how one generally works. You may want to see our main site before begin.

Lesson 2 - How to Inserting content

On the previous lesson, we created a basic file target. but we have some issues hanging there, as we can't insert text, just overwrite it or append at the end. In this lesson we still treat the text as a single giant line, but we will see how to insert content anywhere there.

Until now we are writing direct to disc. It has the problems of

  1. performance related to disc access and 2) the fact that a file grows only in one direction (on the end). The first one is not a great deal nowadays, as your OS is made by very smart people that reads the file to the memory and sync it with your disc regularly. But the second one... it is the one we have to deal. The solution is to put the file content (or some large chunk of it. More about it later) on memory.

The simplest solution is using our FileTarget to get our file contents and then operate on them elsewhere, so lets start with that. we create our class MemoryTarget as follows:

class MemoryTarget {
	MemoryTarget(std::string const &filename);
	std::string view(size_t pos, size_t count) const;
	std::string view(size_t count) const;
	std::string viewAll() const;
	/* ... */
	void insert(std::string const &value);
	void replace(std::string const &value);
	void erase(std::ptrdiff_t count);
	/* ... */	
	FileTarget target;
	std::string content;
	size_t position;

Our constructor will copy the entire content, more or less as follows:

inline MemoryTarget::MemoryTarget(const std::string& filename):
		internalTarget(filename), position(0){
	long count = internalTarget.tell();
	content = internalTarget.view(count);

We use the old jump-to-last-to-see-the-size trick here, so we don't have to rely on os-dependent solution to see the size (jump to end, get position, that is the current size, then jump back to the start). We use view() with the size to get the entire content.


The viewing is very alike the FileTarget. But it does not move the pointer and we added a new overload that allows totally arbitrary values:

inline std::string MemoryTarget::view(size_t count) const {
	return view(position, count);

inline std::string MemoryTarget::view(size_t pos, size_t count) const {
	return content.substr(pos, count);

inline std::string MemoryTarget::viewAll() const {
	return content;


The replace method shouldn't be that complicated. But we should factor that it should respect the position and if the given value is larger than what we have, it should enlarge the content, so we have this

inline void MemoryTarget::replace(const std::string& value) {
	using namespace std;
	size_t remainingSize = content.size() - position;
	if (value.size() <= remainingSize) {
		auto result = copy(value.begin(), value.end(), content.begin() + position);
		position = result - content.begin();
	} else {
		string::const_iterator first = value.begin();
		string::const_iterator last;
		last = first + remainingSize;
		copy(first, last, content.begin() + position);
		content.append(last, value.end());
		position = content.size();

The common case, when the file is not increased is fairly simple, just copy() the value (through begin() to end()) to the current position (content.begin() + position).

Otherwise, we check the how many chars we can replace and get an iterator to the exact position where we have to start appending (transition_point). Then we copy from begin() to transition_point and then append from transition_point to the end().


Well this will be ugly... Or will it? The implementation can be as easy as follows:

inline void MemoryTarget::insert(std::string const& value) {
	content.insert(content.begin() + position, value.begin(), value.end());
	position += value.size();

This implementation works, and is the correct structure for what we have now. But there is a problem with it, logical and performance one. Strings are just the wrong tool for the job because the string are contiguous data, we have to copy all characters after the insertion point to make up space to the inserted text.

There are better solutions than that and we will cover some of them, but for now we will finish the interface and get to test it.


Similarly to insert, our erase is as follows:

inline void MemoryTarget::erase(size_t count) {
	auto first = content.begin() + position;
	auto last = first + count;
	content.erase(first, last);

Simple. But it has a analogous problem to insert(), all the characters right to the erased have to be shifted to fill the space left by the erased ones.

Other Stuff

The methods toStart(), toEnd() and tell() are very simple, the first just sets position to 0, the second sets it to content.size() and the last one return the position. The go() is easy, but we must remember to check if it is within the bounds of content.

The flush is also simple by itself, but requires a small modification on the FileTarget.

inline void MemoryTarget::flush() {

The modification, is the shrink() command, that should shrink the file to the current position and... It is impossible to do so on current c spec. There are some platform-dependent ways to solve that, like Windows' SetEndOfFile() or posix's ftruncate() and we will talk more about them later, but for now we can do following:

inline void FileTarget::shrink() {
	auto pos = tell();
	std::string content = view(pos);
	if(!freopen(nullptr, "w+", file)){
		throw new std::runtime_error("Can not shrink");

In that code, we load the content up to the current position and store on content. Then we reopen it on "w" mode, which sets its size to zero. Then we can write our content back to the file.

We also renamed the method write() to toEnd(), respectively, what will be handy in next section.

Testing Program

To test, we update the program from the last lesson with a twist to allow us to still test our last version and then compare both. At first we need to move the code to a class, so we do our ConsoleEditor:

class ConsoleEditor {
	ConsoleEditor(std::string const& fileName);
	void update(std::string const &line);
	void render();
	FileTarget target;

The constructor will just forward to target. The update could be basically the old switch, minus the v command:

inline void ConsoleEditor::update(std::string const &line) {
	using namespace std;
	char command = line.front();
	switch (command) {
	case 'q':
	case 't':
		cout << target.tell() << endl;
	case 'f':
	case 'l':
	case 'g':
	case 'w':
	case 's':
		cerr << "Command Unknown" << endl;
	return true;

The q command now return false to signal the end of the program.

Why not the v command? Because now we do (almost) like any editor and show the content just after each command. It is not perfect yet, but is better:

inline void ConsoleEditor::render(std::ostream& out) {
	auto currentPosition = target.tell();
	std::string content = target.view(60);
	for(auto &ch: content){
		if(ch < 0x20 || ch >= 0x7f){
			ch = '?';
	out << "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" << std::endl;
	out << content << std::endl;
	out << "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" << std::endl;

This not only prints the chars, as it also ensures it is entirely on the allowed range [0x20, 0x7f). It replaces it for a '?' otherwise. The good thing is that this transformation only occurs on the view. If you save it still have the original character. We only show the first 60 characters, as it is a good guess on terminal length (Most of them have at least 80).

I don't like to use switch that much, it is easy to get something wrong and very repetitive. Also, there is no guarantee it will optimize it. So we could use something like a map or unordered_map here. Ideally we would map from the char to the methods directly. But while most of our methods has the same signature, some of them, like go() and replace() are different. So instead We will wrap them. We need just modify our class like this:

class ConsoleEditor {
	using Command = std::function<void(std::string)>;
	/* ... */
	/* ... */
	std::unordered_map<char, Command> commands;
	template<typename RETURN>
	void registerMethod(char key, RETURN (TARGET::*method)() const);

	void registerMethod(char key, void (TARGET::*method)());

	void registerMethod(char key, void (TARGET::*method)(const std::string&));

	template<typename PARAM>
	void registerMethod(char key, void (TARGET::*method)(PARAM));

The register* methods help us by wrapping each signature in a lambda to fit the Command interface.

Supporting MemoryTarget

Ok, so now we have the ConsoleEditor supporting FileTarget, we must create the one to support MemoryTarget, right? We could instead make it an abstract base class and create derived ones like FileEditor and MemoryEditor. But as both classes would be very similar (and I feel like it), we will just make ConsoleEditor a template.

One template parameter is very obvious, TARGET which represents the type of our target, so let start with it and add template <typename TARGET> on top of ConsoleEditor, replace FileTarget to TARGET on the body and adjust our method definitions accordingly.

Now we can run both targets. But we don't have access yet to our methods insert() and erase(). Now we have to do a template trick called tag dispatch. First we create (before the TargetTraits) these structs:

struct appendable_target_tag {};
struct insertable_target_tag: public appendable_target_tag {};

Then we implement a TargetTrait class, as the following:

template<typename TARGET>
struct TargetTrait{
	using category = typename TARGET::category;

And finally put the correct categories on our Targets:

class FileTarget{
	using category = appendable_target_tag;
	/* ... */

class MemoryTarget{
	using category = insertable_target_tag;
	/* ... */

If you are not familiar with this idiom, it enable us to select different methods at compile time. In our example, we will declare the initCommands() methods at our ConsoleEditor:

template <typename TARGET>
class ConsoleEditor {
	void initCommands(writeable_target_tag);
	void initCommands(insertable_target_tag);

Our ctor now doesn't add commands anymore, but just call initCommands().

template<typename TARGET>
inline ConsoleEditor<TARGET>::ConsoleEditor(const std::string& fileName) :
		target(fileName) {
	initCommands(typename TargetTrait<TARGET>::category { });

Because the way we specialized the TargetTrait, if the TARGET is a FileTarget the TargetTrait::category will be an alias to writeable_target_tag, so our code basically will call the first version. If TARGET is a MemoryTarget, TargetTrait::category will be an alias to insertable_target_tag and thus it will call the second version. So we are abusing the template and the overloading systems to fun and profit. So cool!

Now we just have to re-write our main() to be able to use both versions. We do that by using a command line switch: if the user passes -d it will use the FileTarget, otherwise we use the MemoryTarget. Parsing the command line is not difficult right now, but will probably get more complex in the future, so we will use the Boost.Program_options. Our main is now as follows:

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	namespace po = boost::program_options;
	/*Declaring options*/
	po::options_description options("Options");
			("help", "This help message")
			("version", "The version")
			("direct-mode,d", "Write every modification directly to file.")
			("file", po::value<string>(), "The file to edit. You can omit the --file")
	po::positional_options_description positional;
	positional.add("file", 1);
	po::variables_map programOptions;
	po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
		.options(options).positional(positional).run(), programOptions);
	/*Parsing options*/
		cout << options << endl;
	} else if(programOptions.count("version")) {
		cout << "Version 0.2" << endl;
	} else if(programOptions.count("file")) {
		auto fileName = programOptions["file"].as<string>();
		} else {
	} else {
		cerr << "Expected file name" << endl;
	return 0;

And our run method would be like the following:

template<typename TARGET>
void run(string const &fileName) {
	ConsoleEditor<TARGET> editor { fileName };
	editor.registerCustomCommand('q', [](const std::string&) {
		cout << "Exited Successfully" << endl;
	string line;
	do {
		do {
			cout << ">";
			getline(cin, line);
		} while (line.size() == 0);
	} while (editor.update(line));

Final Thoughts

We now have a much more featured editor in action. We can edit it as we please and it will only persist when (and if) we deliberately push the save command. We do not warn when the user exits the program, it could be a useful exercise to implement it yourself. Our own implementation will only occurs in a future lesson after we solve some more pressing problems. Another challenge for you is that we just show up to 60 first characters. We should have at least a way to offset it and it should be a good exercise to do it.

In the next lesson we will learn what are ropes and why they're indicated to hold our format better than contiguous strings we've been using. Until then you can check the new benchmark directory to see some performance comparisons between our implemented targets up to now.