
Personal dotfiles.

Primary LanguageLua


Dotfiles for various OS configurations.

Installation, Setup and Usage

  1. Install Arch Linux.

  2. Install Git:

$ sudo pacman -S git
  1. Clone this repository to ~/.dotfiles:
$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/talhaahussain/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
$ cd .dotfiles
  1. Use install_pkgs.sh to install all packages from pkglist.txt:
$ source install_pkgs.sh
  1. Use stow_all.sh to symlink dotfiles to home directory:
$ source stow_all.sh

Applying Updates

To update the system and all Arch packages, use:

$ source update_pkgs.sh

Recompiling pkglist.txt

To recompile pkglist.txt, use:

$ source compile_pkglist.sh

Window Managers

These dotfiles make configurations available for three window managers (xmonad, awesomewm, i3). Window manager can be selected in /xinit/.xinitrc, with editing the final line such that it reads exec <WM OF CHOICE>. Currently, xmonad is the selected window manager.


Below are screenshots of xmonad configuration in action, with captions.

image Image 1: A screenshot when xmonad is first launched via startx.

image Image 2: A full-screen Alacritty terminal instance.

image Image 3: Another full-screen terminal instance, running nmtui.

image Image 4: A tmux session running in a terminal, with a single window split into two vertical panes.

image Image 5: Two terminal instances running as tiles in tall mode. The left terminal is focused.

image Image 6: Three terminal instances running as tiles in tall mode. The left terminal is focused.

image Image 7: A single Firefox instance.

image Image 8: A dmenu instance, running over two Firefox windows.

image Image 9: A single Firefox instance, running in full-screen.