
A project that simulates processor cache operations within System Programming course.

Primary LanguageJava


A project that simulates processor cache operations within System Programming course.

How It Works

The program uses dummy data as ram.txt. Instructions are given inside .trace files and the program's aim is to simulate cache operations (hit, miss etc.) for a processor. The final contents of the caches are printed inside "L1D Cache.txt" , "L1I Cache.txt" "L2 Cache.txt" files. Updated ram contents are printed to "ram updated.txt" and the log of operations are displayed in "log.txt".


./talha_bayburtlu -L1s -L1E -L1b -L2s -L2E -L2b -t

• -L1Ds : Number of set index bits for L1 data/instruction cache (S = 2s is the number of sets)
• -L1DE : Associativity for L1 data/instruction cache (number of lines per set)
• -L1Db : Number of block bits for L1 data/instruction cache (B = 2b is the block size)
• -L2s : Number of set index bits for L2 cache (S = 2s is the number of sets)
• -L2E : Associativity for L2 cache (number of lines per set)
• -L2b : Number of block bits for L2 cache (B = 2b is the block size)
• -t : Name of the trace file (see reference trace files part on required notes) \

Required Notes

• Each of the caches implements write-through and no write allocate mechanism for store and modify instructions.
• For the evictions, FIFO (first in first out) policy used.
• The format of each line for instructions : operation address, size, data(only for M and S operations)
• In the trace files, “I” denotes an instruction load, “L” a data load, “S” a data store, and “M” a data modify (i.e., a data load followed by a data store). \