Hi there 👋 I'm Chetan 👨‍💻

A passionate frontend developer from India


🔭 I’m currently working on 🚀 FoodFire Live Project App Link 😍

🤓 I’m currently learning React js from Namaste React Live Course by Akshay Saini

👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open source Project.

👨‍💻 All of my projects are available at My Portfolio

💬 Ask me about frontend Development.

🚀 Love to talk about Research and Innovation!

💪 Passionate about Competitive Coding

📫 How to reach me call2chetannada@gmail.com

📄 Know about my experiences at my LinkedIn Profile

🔗 Let's Connect:

linkedin twitter discord hackerrank leetcode

⚙ Languages and Tools:

html5 css3 JavaScript reactjs reactrouter reduxjs jquery nodejs json webpack babeljs bootstrap sass tailwindcss material ui git canva netlify heroku github pages visualstudio adobe photoshop microsoft office notion

📖 Educations:

freecodecamp codecademy