
This is the repository for CS520 project 1

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is the repository for CS520 project 1. In this repo, there are several algorithms that can solve Thompson-type problem. Current algorithms include projected gradient descent (PGD), nesterov accelerated PGD, penalty method, augmented Lagrange method and stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method.

Week1 Update

Nelder-Mead Algorithm and Projected Gradient Descent are added.

Week2 Update

We used the minimizer in cvxpy package to solve eq. (5) and (*) in the report.

Week3 Update

We explored the projected gradient descent algorithm and found that it attained the theoretical infimum on a large scale of problems. In the meantime, it gives the coordinates of $\mathbf{X}$ automatically after the iteration, without conducting matrix decomposition. The following figure is the distribution of points on the 3-sphere for 2 to 30 points.


Quick Example

def f(X):
    n = X.shape[0]
    energy = 0
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(i+1, n):
            dist = torch.norm(X[i,:] - X[j,:])
            energy += 1 / dist
    return energy

k, n = 3, 30
X0 = torch.randn(n, k)
learner_PGD = PGD(f, X0)
T = 50
for t in range(1, T + 1):

In each iteration, the learner returns current value of the enegy function f(X) and the result will be printed in the end.


For each $n = 2, 3, \dots, 10$, the distribution of electrons are plotted. Check result for more figures.

$n$ Image
$n = 2$ Thompson_2
$n = 3$ Thompson_3
$n = 4$ Thompson_4
$n = 5$ Thompson_5
$n = 6$ Thompson_6
$n = 7$ Thompson_7
$n = 8$ Thompson_8
$n = 9$ Thompson_9
$n = 10$ Thompson_10
$n = 100$ SGD_100