A demo of how to code an Elnode app for deployment on Heroku.

Making this work on Heroku

  • first register on heroku using the website
  • install the heroku gem
$ gem install heroku

you need at least version 2.11.0+

  • authenticate on the command line
$ heroku auth:login
  • upload your ssh keys
$ heroku keys:add

Making the app

  • cd to this repo (or your own version of it)
  • create the heroku app and register it as a git remote using the elnode buildpack
$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack http://github.com/nicferrier/heroku-buildpack-emacs.git
  • and finally deploy the app by pushing to heroku:
$ git push heroku master
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Fetching custom buildpack
-----> Emacs Lisp app detected
-----> Downloading Emacs
       Downloading Emacs 24 pretest from github

Now go to Heroku, check your apps and you should be able to find a weblink to your app.

Heroku has all sorts of options for scaling and performance and database hosting. Could be an interesting platform for Elnode.