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Project One Proposal:
Talita Camargo, Yah’Mir McGee, Syed Jamil, Tracy Torisky, and Adriana Broadnax

Title: FastTrack FastTrack

Description (1 paragraph):

In this day and age a lot of people are starting to get into fasting on the daily bases and trying different ways to fast, either to lose weight, body train, or for their religion. FastTrack is an app where the user can log what kind of fast they are going to complete, how many calories a day, and what they will be eating. FastTrack will also give the user different types of fasting and religious fasting.

List of tasks or acceptance criteria:

  1. Adriana Broadnax created the concept for our project.

  2. Tracy Torisky added the seeds needed for the website.

  3. Talita Camargo created the routes, buttons, and Front-End buttons.

  4. Syed Jamil and Yah'Mir McGhee conducted research on religions and their fasting details and history behind each.

  5. The team fixed all bugs, challenges, and technical difficulties giving our website a beautiful finish!