
Babel Node Client

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Client for Babel

Build status

Getting Started

Install the module:

npm install node_client@git://github.com/talis/babel-node-client.git#0.3.4 --save

Create a babel client as follows:

var babel = require('babel_client');
var babelClient = babel.createClient({
    enable_debug: true


To use any of the Babel client functions, you must have a Persona token. Read the Persona docs, or try out the Persona node client. You might also want to look at the Babel docs too.

Target Feeds

Make a HEAD request to see if any annotations have been added to a feed

var target = 'stay-on-target';
var token = req.personaClient.getToken(req);
babelClient.headTargetFeed(target, token, {delta_token:1}, function(error, response){
    // do stuff
    var newItemsFound = response.headers['x-feed-new-items'];
    // newItemsFound will now show you how many annotations have been added since the annotation with a delta_token equal to 1.

Get a feed based on a target. Now supports passing through of offset, limit and delta_token in params.

var target = 'stay-on-target';
var token = req.personaClient.getToken(req);
var hydrate = true;
var params = {
babelClient.getTargetFeed(target, token, hydrate, params, function(error, results){
    // do stuff
    var annotations = results.annotations;
    var delta_token = results.delta_token;
    // Depending on what you specify 'hydate' to be, annotations will be either an array of annotation IDs, or an
    // array of annotation objects.

If the token is invalid, the error object will have an http_code of 401. If the feed cannot be found in babel, the error object will have an http_code of 404.

Options to use

  • hydrate: Populate feed with data


Get a feed of annotations back

var token = req.personaClient.getToken(req);
babelClient.getAnnotations(token, {}, function(error, results){
    // do stuff

If the token is invalid, the error object will have an http_code of 401.

Create an annotation

var token = req.personaClient.getToken(req);
var data = {};
babelClient.createAnnotations(token, data, function(error, results){
    // do stuff

Update an annotation

var token = req.personaClient.getToken(req);
var data = {};
babelClient.updateAnnotation(token, data, function(error, results){
    // do stuff

Delete an annotation

var token = req.personaClient.getToken(req);
var annotionId = _someId_;
babelClient.deleteAnnotation(token, annotationId, function(error, results){
    // do stuff


$ grunt test


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

0.3.6 - Adds the missing options to update and delete an annotation

0.3.5 - Add host header

0.3.4 - Adds the ability to fetch an individual annotation

0.3.3 - Adds support for passing in params to a feed. Adds support for making a HEAD request to a feed to see if there are any annotations added.

0.3.2 - Safely parses JSON responses. Fixes #5.

0.3.1 - Fixes

  • Now correctly validates hasTarget property when creating annotations. hasTarget can be a single object or an array of objects.
  • createAnnotations now takes an optional third parameter called 'options'. You can use this to set X-Ingest-Synchronously header. If you leave this out of the call, it assumes the third parameter is the callback.

0.3.0 - Added support for querying multiple feeds at once

0.2.0 - Added ability to create annotations

0.1.0 - Added the ability to request a target feed and annotations


Copyright (c) 2015 Talis Education Limited.