
Foosball table hack day project

Primary LanguagePython

Foosball table hack day project

Hack day project for monitoring the foosball table by using infra-red break sensors on each goal post. Uses a speaker to announce the scores as they happen and auto-posts to HipChat in real time as well as Tweeting the final score when a game is complete.

Notes on setting up

Ensure the following environment variables are set with correct values to be able to post to Twitter and HipChat:

# Twitter credentials
export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY="<value>"
export TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN="<value>"
export TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET="<value>"

# HipChat credentials
export HIPCHAT_API_KEY="<value>"

# Not currently used, but may be included later: post to Echo event logging service
export ECHO_USER="<value>"
export ECHO_PASS="<value>"