
Web development agency template page.

What we use for building this page: -Angular -Bootstrap -Form controller -

Intro: This page purpose is to show potential clients what we do.

Features: Pages 1) Home page
-Header nav -Services -Why Us -contact Form -footer 3) About us -Header -single page about us
-Footer 4) Contact Us -Header -How to Find us -including Google Map -Pictures from our "Working space" -contact form for getting in touch
5) Work -Header -page about the work we have done (illustrative) -Footer 2) FAQ
-Header -page with questions and answers
-contact form -footer


-- Quick summary -- This project has three main colors: Red, Black and White. All "Welcome" banners are colored red (rgba(220,20,60,.8)) and have topic related svg Icons. Site has red-white-red color scheme.

Font Used - 'Playfair Display', serif from Google Fonts Svg Icons -

  • Antimations -

  • Using Bootstrap Variables

  • Text color on Red banners: Black or Wheat?\

  • Text color on White banners: White\

  • Button colors on Red Banners: White! or Black?\

  • Button colors on White Banners: Black?\

  • Changing Bootstrap primary color To Red as is banners.

  • Accordion active background color: Primary Color (Red)

  • Accordion active color: White