
Syllabus and Lecture Materials

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Lecture Topics

The course syllabus (and setup instructions) can be found here.

Week 12: 5/9 - 5/13

Week 11: 5/2 - 5/6

  • Friday 5/6
    • No Lecture. Doodle poll for signing up to open office hours.
  • HW-4 Discussion
  • Monday 5/2
    • No Lecture. Doodle poll for signing up to open office hours.

Week 10: 4/25 - 4/29

  • Friday 4/29
    • No Lecture. Doodle poll for signing up to open office hours.
  • HW-5. Also a few final examples of text mining:
  • Lec22: tm Package
    • Files:
      • Slides: Text Mining Package.
      • Lec22.R Exercise.
    • Remaining schedule
      • Wed 4/27: HW-5 assigned
      • Fri 4/29 and Mon 5/2: No lecture, but rather open office hours. Please send an email to schedule.
      • Wed 5/4: HW-4 discussion in Wilson Lab.
      • Fri 5/6: No lecture, but rather open office hours. Please send an email to schedule.
      • Mon 5/9 through Mon 5/16: Presentations.

Week 9: 4/18 - 4/22

  • Lec21: Twitter Data
    • Files:
      • Slides: Twitter Data.
      • Lec21.R Exercise.
  • HW-3 Discussion
    • In lab discussion
    • Files HW-3_Albert_Notes.Rmd. Please save this file in your HW-3 folder and Knit. Don't forget to ensure you have all necessary packages. If this doesn't work, you can follow along here.
  • Lec20: Final Project and String Manipulation
    • Final Project GitHub repo to be forked is available. Please submit your projects there.
    • Files:
      • Slides: String Manipulation.
      • Lec20.R Exercise.

Week 8: 4/11 - 4/15

  • HW-4
    • Also determined order of presentations using presentations.R in the Misc folder and Enrique's favorite number 7 as the random number generator seed value.
Monday 5/9 Wednesday 5/11 Friday 5/13 Monday 5/16
Shaojin Alison Kyler Joy
Delaney Andrew Enrique Philip
Aminata Jacob Mo Carter
Christian Paul
  • Lec19: Spatial Autocorrelation
    • Files:
      • Slides: Spatial Autocorrelation.
      • Lec19.R Exercise.
      • tract2010.zip zip file of Multnomah Country, Oregon shapefiles.
      • Near and Far

Week 7: 4/4 - 4/8

  • Lec18: Leaflet Package
    • Files:
      • Slides: Open Street Map, Leaflet.
      • Lec18.R Exercise.
  • HW-2 Discussion
    • In lab discussion
    • Files HW-2_Albert_Notes.Rmd. Please save this file in your HW-2 folder and Knit. Don't forget to ensure you have all necessary packages. If this doesn't work, you can follow along here.
  • Lec17: GIS and Shapefiles

Week 6: 3/21 - 3/25

  • Lec16: Shiny
  • Lec14: Packages & Vignettes and Finishing Dates & Times
    • Slides: Hadleyverse, R Packages, and Vignettes.
    • Files:
      • Lec14.R Exercise.
      • Example of 3D plot using plotly: 3D_plot_ex.Rmd

Week 5: 3/14 - 3/18

  • Lec13: Final Project and Dates & Times with lubridate
    • Final project guidelines. Your project proposal is due Wednesday April 6th (after break) at 11:15.
    • Open this Quandl link.
    • Files: Lec13.R Exercise from "Lec13: Dates and Times with lubridate" folder.
  • HW-1 Discussion
    • In lab discussion
    • Files: HW-1_Albert_Notes.Rmd from the HW-1 folder.
    • Setup:
      • Save HW-1_Albert_Notes.Rmd in your HW-1 project folder.
      • If you haven't already, install the DT, knitr, and plotly packages.
      • Load the datasets in your console.
  • Lec11: Even More Logistic Regression
    • In-class Lecture
    • Files: Lec11.R Exercise.

Week 4: 3/7 - 3/11

  • Lec10: More Logistic Regression
    • In-class Lecture
  • Lec09: Logistic Regression and OkCupid Data
  • Lec08: More Regression
    • In-class Lecture and Slides
    • Files: Lec08.R Exercise.

Week 3: 2/29 - 3/4

  • Lec07: Regression to the Mean
    • In-class Lecture
    • Files: Lec07.R Exercise.
  • Lec06: Finishing ggplot2 and Tidy Data using tidyr
    • Slides: UC Berkeley admissions data discussions (Click on RAW to download)
    • Slides: tidyr Package
    • Files:
      • Lec06.R Exercise.
      • popdensity1990_00_10.csv 1990, 2000, 2010 Census data.
  • Lec05: R Markdown and More ggplot2

Week 2: 2/22 - 2/26

  • Lec04: ggplot2 Package
    • Slides: More components of a statistical graphic and other ressources.
    • Files: Lec04.R Exercise.
  • Lec03:
    • dplyr Joins
      • Slides: dplyr joins for merging data frames.
      • Files:
        • Lec03.R Exercise.
        • states.csv. Click on Raw button, then Save Page As states.csv and not states.
    • Grammar of Graphics

Week 1: 2/15 - 2/19

  • Lec02: Loading Data
    • Slides: The importance of minimizing prerequisites to research, loading data into RStudio via CSV files or webscraping.
    • Files:
      • Lec02.R Exercise. To download:
        1. Go to the above directory "Lec02 Loading Data"
        2. Click on Lec02.R -> Raw
        3. From your browser's menu bar -> File -> Save Page As... Be sure to save as Lec02.R and not Lec02.R.txt
      • UCBAdmissions.xlsx Excel spreadsheet. To download repeat steps a. and b. above.
    • HW-0, due Wednesday 2016/2/24, is posted. This is merely a practice homework to familiarize yourselves to the HW submission format and process.
  • Lec01: Data manipulation with dplyr
    • Slides: Tidy data, data manipulation verbs, piping %>% with the magrittr package.
    • Files: Lec01.R Exercise
  • Lec00: Intro to Data Science
    • Slides: What is data science? Building our data toolbox.