ReverseVNC 1.0 by: illwill 7/17/2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 239kb VNC dropper that will have the vnc server connectback to you on the ip::port you set. good for tech who need to remotely administrate a client who is behind a router. not really a trojan because the person will see the tray icon and you moving their mouse :/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- get the tight vnc viewer set it to listen vncviewer -listen make sure you have the appropriate port forwarded on your router open the editor.exe [...] browse for the server read the settings input your ip::port (make sure u have ::) write new settings send to customer things u might think are bugs: omg it shows the icon in the system tray!!! , yea so what the priv version will have the icon removed
code to drop a reverseVNC connection I made in 2005, the VNCHooks.dll & winvnc.exe are outdated but can easily be updated to newer ones. need MASM installed to compile it, the editor.exe should work to quickly change the IP setttings without the need to recompile.