- Lots of integrated SMS APIs.
- Unlimited number of SMSs (with proxy support for huge bombs!).
- Faster and lighter than most SMS Bomber apps/scripts.
- International bombing available.
- Anything which can run Windows, macOS or Linux and has a keyboard on it.
- Python 3 and PIP installed on it.
It's as easy as typing the below commands into your terminal.
# Clone my repo
git clone https://github.com/AvinashReddy3108/YetAnotherSMSBomber.git
# Move into the work directory.
cd YetAnotherSMSBomber
# Install the requirements via PIP.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can also read this via python3 bomber.py -h
or python3 bomber.py --help
usage: bomber.py [-h] [--sms SMS] [--threads THREADS] TARGET
positional arguments:
TARGET Target mobile number without country code (default:+91)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--sms SMS, -S SMS Number of sms to target (default: 5000)
--country COUNTRY, -c COUNTRY
Country code without (+) sign (default: 91)
Number of threads (default: 25)
--proxy, -p Use proxy for bombing (It is advisable to use this
option if you are bombing more than 5000 sms)
--verbose, -v Verbose
--verify, -V To verify all providers are working or not
# The Classic - 25 threads, 50 SMSs, Country Code: +91
python3 bomber.py <TARGET>
# Classic + Proxy
python3 bomber.py --proxy <TARGET>
python3 bomber.py -p <TARGET>
# Here's how you use all possible parameters to your taste.
python3 bomber.py --proxy --sms 500 --country 91 <TARGET>
python3 bomber.py -p -S 500 -c 91 -T 30 <TARGET>
- Huge kudos to iMro0t for the original source code. Find it here.
- Thanks botallen for the recent fixes which have been merged from the original repo.
- SpeedX's TBomb for some API's used here.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0