
A sample project leveraging KSQLDB for ETLs and sinking to Postgres, elastic and HANA

Primary LanguageHTML


The citadel project uses ksqldb to build an abstraction on top of kafka streams to extract, transform and load data from kafka to persistence sinks. All the modules are run as docker containers (except SAP HANA).


  1. Docker
  2. jq
  3. ksqtools project (in Titan)

In order to successfuly start/run the citadel project, it needs the ksqldb plugins (UDFs) to be placed in the correct directory.

To start

On Ubuntu

bash start.sh

On Mac

sh start.sh

To stop

On Ubuntu

bash stop.sh

On Mac

sh stop.sh

Produce data in Kafka using CLI

The script automatically prodecues some static test data into the kafka topic. In order to produce custom message, login into the broker:

docker exec -it broker /bin/bash

Then enter the kafka-console-producer and start pushing data like this:

kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic events --property "parse.key=true" --property "key.separator=:"

>"event_1":{"eventId": "event_1", "event_type": "behavior", "count": 5, "meta": "test event"}

Note: To quit the producer-console, use the ctrl + C (^C).

Test sinks

The data is transformed by KSQLDB and then forwarded to the sinks. We may verify if data ended up in our configured sinks.


We may query the REST API exposed by elasticsearch. e.g.

curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/transformed_behavior_events/_search?pretty=true&q=*:*


Login into the postgres container

docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash

Using psql enter the interactive shell

psql -d transformedevents

Query using SQL commands e.g.:

SELECT * from events;


  1. delete.enabled value is set to false for sinks, meaning delete operation would not be allowed. This has been done because in order to support delete pk.mode needs to be set to record_key. But, in order to achieve that, we need to explicitly identify keys in each stream (which is currently not supported by create stream by select).
  2. Support for array fields have not been decided yet (Should they fan out as multiple rows?)
  3. One event may lead to multiple entries across multiple tables. It needs to be statically defined and can't be inferred on the fly (dynamically using logic) in KSQLDB. It also leads to creation of mutiple streams and topics.
  4. Primarily for Mac: If some pods keep crashing with stattus codes 127 or 137, most probably that's due to OOM. We may increase the memory limit in docker panel (dashboard) to allocate a higher memory. Default is 1GB. More details here
  5. Primarily for Linux/WSL : Docker containers nay not be able to connect to the external world (internet). For that, please update the /etc/docker/daemon.json file (create if doesn't exist) with a DNS entry e.g.
    "dns" ["", ""]