
A simple python S3 upload library. Inspired by requests

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

tinys3 - Quick and minimal S3 uploads for Python

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A simple Python S3 upload library. Inspired by one of my favorite packages, requests.

tinys3 is used at Smore to upload more than 1.5 million keys to S3 every month.

Usage example:

import tinys3

conn = tinys3.Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY, S3_SECRET_KEY, tls=True, endpoint='s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com')

f = open('some_file.zip','rb')


  • Get files from S3
  • Upload files to S3
  • Copy keys inside/between buckets
  • Delete keys
  • Update key metadata
  • List keys in a bucket
  • Simple way to set key as public or setting Cache-Control and Content-Type headers.
  • Pool implementation for fast multi-threaded actions


  • Python 2.6
  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.2
  • Python 3.3
  • PyPy


$ pip install tinys3

Or if you're using easy_install:

$ easy_install tinys3


Uploading files to S3

Uploading a single file:

import tinys3

# Creating a simple connection
conn = tinys3.Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY)

# Uploading a single file
f = open('some_file.zip','rb')

Some more options for the connection:

# Specifying a default bucket
conn = tinys3.Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY,default_bucket='my_bucket')

# So we could skip the bucket parameter on every request

f = open('some_file.zip','rb')

# Controlling the use of TLS
conn = tinys3.Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY,tls=True)

Specifying a different endpoint

conn = tinys3.Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY,endpoint='s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com')

Setting expiry headers.

# File will be stored in cache for one hour

# Passing 'max' as the value to 'expires' will make it cachable for a year

# Expires can also handle timedelta object
from datetime import timedelta

t = timedelta(weeks=5)
# File will be stored in cache for 5 weeks

tinys3 will try to guess the content type from the key (using the mimetypes package), but you can override it:


Setting additional headers is also possible by passing a dict to the headers argument:

            'x-amz-storage-class': 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'

For more information, see Amazon's S3 Documentation

Copy keys inside/between buckets

Use the 'copy' method to copy a key or update metadata.

# Simple copy between two buckets

# No need to specify the target bucket if we're copying inside the same bucket

# We could also update the metadata of the target file
            metadata={ 'x-amz-storage-class': 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'})

# Or set the target file as private

Updating metadata

# Updating metadata for a key
conn.update_metadata('key.jpg',{ 'x-amz-storage-class': 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY'},'my_bucket')

# We can also change the privacy of a file, without updating it's metadata

Deleting keys

# Deleting keys is simple

Listing keys

tinys3 will try to use lxml if it's available, otherwise it will fallback to xml python module (slower and not secure against maliciously constructed data)

# This will return an iterator over the metadata of the files starting with 'prefix' in 'my_bucket'
# The iterator will yield dicts with the following keys: key, etag, size, last_modified, storage_class
conn.list('prefix', 'my_bucket')

Using tinys3's Connection Pool

Creating a pool:

pool = tinys3.Pool(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY)

The pool can use the same parameters as Connection:

pool = tinys3.Pool(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY,tls=True, default_bucket='my_bucket')

The pool uses 5 worker threads by default. The 'size' parameter allows us to override it:

pool = tinys3.Pool(S3_ACCESS_KEY,S3_SECRET_KEY,size=25)

Using the pool to perform actions:

# Let's use the pool to delete a file
>>> r = pool.delete('a_key_to_delete.zip','my_bucket')
<Future at 0x2c8de48L state=pending>

# Futures are the standard python implementation of the "promise" pattern
# You can read more about them here:
# http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/concurrent.futures.html#future-objects

# Did we finish?
>>> r.done()

# Block until the response is completed
>>> r.result()
<Response [200]>

# Block until completed with a timeout
# If the response is not completed until the timeout has passed, a TimeoutError will be raised
>>> r.result(timeout=120)
<Response [200]>

Using as_completed and all_completed

# First we'll create a lot of async requests
>>> requests = []
>>> for i in range(100)
>>>     requests.append(pool.delete('key' + str(i), 'my_bucket'))

# The helper methods as_completed and all_completed helps us work
# with multiple Future objects

# This will block until all the requests are completed
# The results are the responses themselves, without the Future wrappers
>>> pool.all_completed(requests)
[<Response [200]>, ... ]

# The as_completed generator will yield on every completed request.
>>> for r in pool.as_completed(requests)
>>>     # r is the response object itself, without the Future wrapper
>>>     print r