Demo code and resources for our 100 Days of Web in Python Course
- 3
Day 9 -12: API Star -- Werkzeug Version 3.00 + is not compatible with API Star 0.5.41
#98 opened by duncanrhardy - 0
- 2
This is my reference
#96 opened by barata-dev - 5
Days 65-68 Heroku - Sendgrid changes
#36 opened by shutteritch - 2
- 1
Days 33-36: broken link
#60 opened by CaptSolo - 3
Day 24 - does not work with Flask 2.x
#59 opened by CaptSolo - 1
Day 41 Example Tips Page changed
#57 opened by johniuro - 10
- 2
check / update default sendgrid config
#35 opened by bbelderbos - 5
- 1
Question: double forward underscores
#30 opened by vyahello - 6
Days 9-12 API Method: PUT Issue
#21 opened by gloc-mike - 3
Days 9-12 - update Api Star documentation links
#19 opened by vyahello - 1
Days 93-100: @api.route ↑↑ shifts
#22 opened by alex-vegan - 3
Day 69-72 Django Rest Framework Swagger error
#18 opened by Joeriksson - 1
Days 09-12 Building APIs with Api Star (0.5.x)
#15 opened by alex-vegan - 1
Days 5-8: Recreate Google's homepage
#14 opened by alex-vegan - 1
Day 89 - 92 Deployment Suggestion: Add reference to the Let's Encrypt script in other Webinar?
#13 opened by ericchou1 - 1
Day 23: requires API key now
#7 opened by ericchou1 - 4
- 1
- 6
Day 46 Django import include
#10 opened by ericchou1 - 1
009-012-modern-apis-starred The API Star's Test Client URL is not working in
#9 opened by realnitinworks - 3
Days 009-012
#8 opened by vladmonea - 1
- 1
Breaking changes apistar from 0.5.41 to 0.6+
#5 opened by ericchou1 - 2
#1 opened by hobojoe1848