
StackedPlot is a Julia package to plot many traces in a single plot, with the same x-axis scaling. Typically you could plot many time series stacked on top of each other, with a common time scale x-axis at the bottom.

Example Plot


julia> ] add


A simple usage of plotstacked is

using StackedPlot
t = 0:0.01:10
plotstacked(t, trace(sin.(t)), trace(cos.(t)), trace(tan.(t)))

You can add named parameters to every call to trace(...) and these are passed on to the call to plot(...). Like:

plotstacked(t, trace(sin.(t), label="sin"), trace(cos.(t), label="cos"), trace(tan.(t), label="tan"))

trace has a second optional parameter to change the relative height of the plots. The default height weight is 1.0.

plotstacked(t, trace(sin.(t), 2.0, label="sin"), trace(cos.(t), label="cos"), trace(tan.(t), label="tan"))

To add a parameter to all the traces, you may add this to the plotstacked(...) call

plotstacked(t, trace(sin.(t)), trace(cos.(t)), trace(tan.(t)), ylims=(-1,1), legend=false)